Select Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada Robin S. Harris, Marcel de Grandpré * This bibliography follows the one published in Stoa, Vol. II, no. 2, 1972, pp. 47-55. All references are shown as in : Robin S. Harris, Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada, Supplement 1971, University of Toronto Press, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1971. Cette bibliographie continue celle qui a paru dans Stoa, vol. II, n° 2, 1972, pp. 47-55. Les références sont données comme dans Robin S. Harris, Bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada, Supplément 1971, University of Toronto Press, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1971. I. — DEGREE-GRANTING UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES UNIVERSITÉS ET COLLÈGES QUI CONFÈRENT DES GRADES 1. History and Organization A. General Burn, B. "Higher Education in Canada" in Higher Education York : McGraw-Hill, 1971), 91-122. in Nine Countries (New B. The Atlantic Provinces Brehaut, W . , Teacher Pp. 58. Education in Prince Edward Island. Toronto : O.I.S.E., 1972. Flexibility for the 10's : A Report to the Government on the Resources Required for the Development of Higher Education in New Brunswick. Fredericton : Higher Education Commission, 1972. Pp. 64. McCreath, P. "Current Developments in Education in Atlantic Canada," Can. LI (October/November, 1972), 70-72. * Forum Robin S. Harris, Higher Education Group, University of Toronto. Marcel de Grandpré, Directeur de la Section d'éducation comparée et des fondements de l'éducation, Faculté des sciences de l'éducation, Université de Montréal, 54 STO A C. The Universities of Quebec Côté, M.-L. "Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke," Union Méd. CI (Mai 1972) 1078-79. Desjardins, E. "L'Enseignement médical à Montréal au milieu du X I X e siècle," Méd. C (Février 1971), 305-09. Union Gauthier, G. "Évolution récente de l'enseignement supérieur québécois," McGill Ed. VII ( 2 ) , 135-48. Jour. Gingras, R. "Évolution de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université Laval de 1962 à 1970," Laval Méd. XLII, 6 (Juin 1971), 591-96. Lavallée, A. "La Querelle universitaire québécoise 1876-1889," Rev. Hist. (Juin 1972), 67-81. XXVI, McGregor, M. "Les Perspectives d'avenir de la médecine à McGill," Union Méd. (Décembre 1972) 2621-23. 1 CI McGregor, M. "Le Troisième Cinquantenaire de la Faculté de médecine de McGill," Union Méd. C (Mars 1971), 435-37. de Monléon, J. "In Memoriam : Monseigneur Alphonse-Marie Parent," Laval Théol. Philos. X X V I I , I (Février 1971), 3-5. D. The Universities of Ontario Adelman, H. The Holiversity Press, 1973. Pp. 152. : A Perspective on the Wright Report. Toronto : New Advisory Committee on Academic Policy of the Faculty of Social Science. A. Porter : Towards a Community University : Observations by the Academic Policy Committee, Revised Report. London : Univ. of Western Ontario, 1972. Pp. 31. Angus, M. "The Old Stones of Queen's, 1842-1900," Historic Kingston 5-13. No. 20 (1972), Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario (D.O. Davis, Chairman). The Learning Society: Report of... T o r o n t o : Ministry of Government Services, 1973. Pp. 263. Heick, W . H . "Historical Perspective : an Interview with Arthur R.M. Lower," Quarterly LXXVIII, 4 (Winter, 1971), 518-35. Lambert, R. "Liberalism at Waterloo State : A Case History," This Magazine Schools VI, 3 (Fall, 1972), 80-96. Lower, A.R.M. "Queeris Yesterday and Today," Historic Kingston Queen!s Is about No. 20, 77-89. Tessier, J. "Le Collège universitaire Glendon : une expérience précaire-de bilinguisme," Maintenant 102 (Janvier 1971), 18-20. Wright, D.T. "Recent Developments in Higher Education in Ontario," in Facing the Future (San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, Inc., 1972), 297-309. Universities E. The Universities of Manitoba Fridfinnson, A. and M. Sampson. Employment Survey of 1967-69 University of Manitoba B.A. Graduates. Winnipeg : Manitoba Counselling Service, 1970. Pp. 71. STO A 55 Inter-Provincial Committee on University Rationalization. First Annual Report of ... from 1965 — 1972. The Committee, 1972. Pp. 8. (Available from Office of the President of any of the universities of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta.) F. The University of Saskatchewan MacLeod, T.H. The Role of the University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon : Univ. of Saskatchewan, 1971. Pp. 100. Small, J.H. "Saskatchewan : a Time of Testing," November, 1972), 73-74. within Canadian the Forum Community. LI (October/ G. The Universities of Alberta Government of Alberta. Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Non-Canadian Influence in Alberta Post-Secondary Education. (A.F. Moir and R.E. Baird, Chairmen) Edmonton. Pp. 139. Holmes, O.G. Come Hell or High Pp. 141. Water. Lethbridge : The Lethbridge Herald, 1972. Mcintosh, G. "Alberta : The Reports Are In," Can. Forum 1972), 75-78. LI (October/November, Sukdeo, F. "An Assessment of Student Quotas and Fees in Alberta Universities," Jour. Ed. Res. XVIII, 3 (September 1972), 223-33. Unger, G. "A Choice of Futures — The Public is Confused," C.A.U.T. 2 (December 1972), 12-15. Bull. Alia. XXI, H. The Universities of British Columbia Ellis, J.F. "British Columbia : Education - 1972," Can. Forum LI (October/November, 1972), 79-81. 2. Current Trends and Problems A. General Bachynski, M.P. "Science Policy in C a n a d a : Study and Debate Must N o w Be Replaced by Action," Science Forum VI, 1 (February 1973), 19-27. Benson, E. "Canadian Universities : Problems and Solutions." C.A.U.T. (Spring, 1972), 61-70. Davies, D.I. "Intellectual Tradition and (October/November, 1972), 20-26. Academic Colonialism," Bulletin Can. XX, 3 Forum LI Edwards, R. "Emerging National Policies for Higher Education in Canada," in B. Holmes, D.G. Scanlon and W.R. Niblett, eds., World 1971/72. (London : Evans Bros., 1971), 317-33. Year Book of Education Hodgins, J . W . "Academic Spin-offs and Canadian Entrepreneurship," Bus. Q. X X X V I I , 1. (Spring, 1972), 64-70. Fluxgold, H. " W h o Killed the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg ?" Can. Forum (October/November, 1972), 32-36, LI 56 ST OA Friedmann, K.A. and B.M. Barker. "Ombudsmen in Universities." C.A.U.T. X X , 3 (Spring, 1972), 43-60. Bulletin Senate Special Committee on Science Policy, M. Lamontagne, chairman. Report of... : A Science Policy for Canada, Vol. II. Ottawa : Information Canada, 1972. Pp. 608. Sheffield, E.F. "Innovation in Higher Education in Canada," in C. Flood and Harriet Greenway, eds. (London : Society for Research into Higher Education, 1972), 61-76. Watson, C. Innovation 1971. Pp. 453. in Higher Education : A Canadian Case Study. Wyman, M. "The State of Universities," C.A.U.T. 33-38. Bulletin Paris : OECD, X X , 2 (Winter, 1972), B. University Government Houwing, J.F. and L.F. Atichaud. Changes in the Composition of Governing Bodies of Canadian Universities and Colleges 1965-1970. Ottawa : AUCC, 1972. Pp. 65. Verney, D.V. "The Government and Politics of a Developing University — a Canadian Experience," in S.D. Kertesz, ed., The Task of Universities in a Changing World (Notre D a m e : U. of N.D. Press, 1971), 259-76. D. The University and the State "Les Députés et l'éducation au Québec," Rev. Seo!. X X I I I , 4 (Décembre 1972), 14-21. Sabourin, J.-P. "Le Conseil des Ministres de l'Education," Rev. Scol. X X I I I , 1 (Septembre 1972), 22-23. Schneider, W . G . "The Role of Government as a Patron and User of Science and Technology," Science Forum VI, 1 (February 1973), 12-16. G. University Planning Richards, D.M. "Predicting the Demand for Teaching," Alberta Journal Educational search XVIII, 2 (June 1972), 133-39. Ryan, D . W . "The Internal Organization of Academic Departments," Journal of Education [U.S.] XLIII, 6 (June 1972), 464-82. Tremblay, A. "La Planification de l'éducation," Bien-Être 1972), 18-23. XXIV, Re- Higher 1 (Janvier-Février 3. Curriculum and Teaching A. General Ledere, M. et S. Dumas. Cent Quatorze Professeurs parlent de l'enseignement à l'université : rapport présenté au Service de Pédagogie universitaire, étude exploratoire. Québec : Université Laval, 1972. Pp. 180. Saint-Pierre, H. et R. Bédard. Les Formules pédagogiques de l'enseignement universitaire : bibliographie annotée. Québec : Université Laval, Service de Pédagogie universitaire, 1972. Pp. 84. 57 STOA C. The Humanities Barrett, A.A. "The Classics in Canada," Classical 1972), 37-38. Outlook [U.S.] L, 4 (December F. Professional Education Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Proceedings of the Conference on Social Services Manpower, February 21-23, 1971. Ottawa : A.U.C.C., 1972. Pp. 94. Bois, P. "Quelques Aspects de l'évolution et de l'orientation des enseignements de la médecine et des sciences de la santé," Union Méd. CI (Novembre 1972), 2333-36. Bury, J.A. et al. "Enseignement médical : le malade, le milieu hospitalier et l'étudiant : réflexions sur la première semaine de stage de la session clinique des étudiants de troisième année des études médicales," Laval Méd. XLII, 4 (Avril 1971), 373-75. Canada Department of Manpower and Immigration, Occupational Research Division. Careers in Professional Engineering. Ottawa : The Department of Manpower and Immigration, 1971. Pp. 56. (Canadian Occupation Monograph 20) Desjardins, E. "Trois Étapes de la chirurgie : 1872, 1972 et 2002," Union (Novembre 1972), 2337-41. Méd. CI Dumas, C. "Considérations historiques sur la psychiatrie au Québec," Union Méd. (Décembre 1972), 2636-40. CI Edds, J.A. " W h o Says Management Is a Profession ?" Bus. Q. X X X V I I , 4 (Winter, 1972), 47-51. Fortier, M. J. Brunet et G.-A. Bergeron. "Enseignement des sciences humaines en sciences de la santé," Laval Méd. XLII, 4 (Avril 1971), 380-83. Ghadirian, A. "Étude des réponses des étudiants en médecine concernant la formation psychiatrique," Laval Méd. XLII, 4 (Avril 1971), 384-88. Hillis, E.S. "Those who Can't Teach...," Can. Forum 44-47. LI (October/November, 1972), Kinch, R.A.H. et al. "The Teaching of Behaviour, Growth and Development in the Preclinical Years of Medicine," Laval Méd. XLI, 4 (Avril 1970), 495-99. Leblond, S. "La Médecine et les médecins à Québec en 1872," Union Méd. CI (Décembre 1972), 2720-25. Lefebvre, J.-J. "Les Médecins canadiens diplômés des universités étrangères au X I X e siècle," Union Méd. CI (Mai 1972), 935-51. Lejeune, L.-P. "Éducation médicale : les objectifs et le curriculum," Union (Juin 1972), 1083-88. Méd. CI Langlois, L. et R. Johnson. "Le Programme de médecine familiale du Département de médecine communautaire de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Sherbrooke," Union Méd. CI (Juillet 1972), 1325-31. McGill Journal selling. of Education VII, 1 (Spring, 1972). W h o l e issue devoted to Coun- McLeish, J.A.B. The Advancement of Professional Education in Canada : The Report of the Professional Education Project, Kellogg Foundation — O.I.S.E., February, 1973. Pp. 59. STOA 58 Selye, H . "Réflexions sur l'avenir de la recherche, l'enseignement et la pratique de la médecine," Union Méd. CI (Octobre 1972), 2048-50. Turcot, J. "L'Enseignement de la médecine et les facultés de médecine," Laval X L I I , 6 (Juin 1971), 597-602. Turcot, J. "La Chirurgie : revue et perspective," Union Méd. Méd. CI (Novembre 1972), 2347-53. Woods, M.J. " A n Analysis of H o m e Economics Programs in Ontario Universities Based on the Development of Four Theoretical Patterns," Unpublished Master's Thesis, University of Toronto, 1972. Pp. 169. G. Graduate Studies G u r d , F.N. "La Formation postscolaire," Union Méd. CI (Décembre 1972), 2627-30. H. Adult and Continuing Education Dufresne, R.R. "Propos sur l'éducation médicale permanente," Union bre 1972), 2617-20. Méd. CI (Décem- Jobin, P. "Enseignement médical permanent : L'éducation permanente : une nécessité," Uval Méd. XLI, 7 (Septembre 1970), 955-56 ; X L I I , 4 (Avril 1971), 399-400. Perey, B. "L'Enseignement médical post-doctoral : nouvelles perspectives," Union CI (Juin 1972), 1080-82. Méd. Sheath, H . "Integrating Correspondence Study with Resident Study at the University Level," Convergence V , 2 ( 1 9 7 2 ) , 15-20. L. Canadian Studies Tucker, A. "Canadian Studies — Problem and Prospects," Can. Forum November, 1972), 50-51. LI (October;/ 4. Research and Scholarship A. General Armstrong, R.P. "Revising the Dissertation and Publishing the Book," Scholarly ing IV, (October 1972), 41-50. Bonneau, L.P. and J.A. Corry. Quest for the Optimum. Study the Rationalisation of University Research. sities and Colleges of Canada, 1972. Pp. 207. Publish- The Report of a Commission to Ottawa : Association of Univer- Polanyi, J.C. "Rationalizing Research in the Universities : the Bonneau-Corry Report." Science Forum VI, 1 (February 1973), 3-6. Webber, H.R. "University Presses and the Powers that Be," Scholarly 1 (October 1972), 13-18. Publishing Yates, K. "Research Planning by Bureaucracies : Lessons from Others." Science IV, Forum V I , I (February 1973), 6-9. C. In the Sciences Genest, J. "Perspectives de la recherche médicale et clinique pour les prochaines décennies," Union Méd. CI (Octobre 1972), 2051-54. ST O A 59 F. Libraries Blackburn, R.H. "Photocopying in a University Library," Scholarly (October 1970), 49-58. Minnick, J.A. "Approaching the Librarian," Scholarly Publishing 179-188. Publishing II, 1 II, 2 (January 1971), H. Learned and Professional Societies Douglas, V.l. "The Scientific Societies Look at Science Policy : A Summary of Their Briefs," Science Forum VI, 1 (February 1973), 28-30. Fleming, W . G . Educational Contributions 1972. Pp. 463. (Ontario's Educational of Associations. Toronto : U. of T. Press, Society, Vol. VII.) West, A.S. National Engineering, Scientific and Technological Societies of Canada. Ottawa : Science Council of Canada, 1972. Pp. 131. (Background Study No. 25 for the Science Council of Canada) I. Learned and Professional Journals Desjardins, E. "La Petite Histoire du journalisme médical au Canada," Union mèd. CI, 121-30, 309-14. 511-18, 1090-96, 2143-53. 5. The Student and Student Services E. Counselling and Guilance Genest, J. "Orientation des jeunes médecins et des étudiants en médecine," Med. X C I X (Septembre 1970), 1587-90. Union 6. The Professor and Conditions of Work A. General Brewster, K. "Should Universities Retain Tenure ?" C.A.U.T. ber 1972), 4-7. Bull. X X I , 2 (Decem- Drummond, I. "A Bleak Future for the Professoriat," C.A.U.T. ber 1972), 12-16. Bull. X X I , 2 (Decem- Rintala, M. and J. Dreijmanis. "The Academic Labor Market : with Special Reference to Political Science," Jour. Ed. Thought, VI, 2 (August 1972), 105-114. B. Professor as Teacher Knapper, C. "Improving Teacher Effectiveness," C.A.U.T. 1972), 9-11. Bull. XXI, 1 (October Knapper, C., B. McFarlane and J. Scanlon. "Student Evaluation an Aspect of Teaching Effectiveness," Report of the Professional Orientation Committee to C.A.U.T. Council, C.A.U.T. Bull. X X I , 2 (December 1972), 26-29. C. Academic Freedom Malloch, A.E. "Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure," C.A.U.T. I (October 1972), 6-8. "Primer on Tenure." C.A.U.T. Bull. X X , 3 (Spring, 1972), 23-31. Bull. XXI, STOA 60 D. Salary and Benefits Adell, B.L. and D . D . Carter. Collective Bargaining for University Faculty Kingston : Industrial Relations Centre. Queen's Univ. 1972. Pp. 95. in Canada. II — N O N DEGREE-GRANTING INSTITUTIONS 1. General Campbell, G. Community Pp. 346. Colleges in Canada. Toronto : R y e r s o n / M c G r a w Hill, 1971. 6. Québec Burgess, D.A. " T h e English Language C E G E P in Quebec," McGill four. Ed. VI, 1 (Spring, 1971), 90-100. D a Silva, H . , B. Proulx et J. Proulx. "Le Rapport Parent et la Philosophie .au C E G E P : Tête bien faite ou tête bien pleine ?" Maintenant 105 (Avril 1971), 111-13. Denis, A. and J. Lipkin. "Quebec's C E G E P : Promise and Reality," McGill Jour. Ed. V I I ( 2 ) , 119-34. Henchey, N . "Quebec Education : T h e Unfinished Revolution," McGill Jour. Ed. V I I ( 2 ) , 95-118. 9. Saskatchewan Faris, R. "Community College Development in Saskatchewan : A U n i q u e Approach," Can. Forum LI ( O c t o b e r / N o v e m b e r , 1972), 60-61. 10. Alberta Alberta Colleges Commission. The Alberta College System : Second Edmonton : Alberta College Commission, 1972. Pp. 44. Annual Report.
- Marcel de Grandpré
- Robin S. Harris