Inventaire des recherches sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada Inventory of research into Canadian Higher Education L.F. Michaud, J.F. Howing* The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, 151 Slater, Ottawa, gathers information on research work in progress regarding Higher Education in Canada. L'Association des Universités et Collèges du Canada a entrepris de recueillir des renseignements sur les recherches en cours sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada. This information is regularly published in STOA under the headings indicated below / Nous les présenterons par sujets à l'aide des rubriques suivantes : I — University Government / Administration universitaire II — University Finance / Finances universitaires III — University and the Economy / L'Université et l'économie IV — Curriculum and Teaching / Programme d'études et enseignement V — Professional Education / Enseignement professionnel VI — Admissions / Inscriptions VII — Evaluating and Grading / Évaluation et classement VIII —• Research and Scholarship / Recherche et études IX — Student and Student Services / L'étudiant et les services aux étudiants * Lucien Michaud, Directeur de la recherche, A.U.C.C. J.F. Howing, Research Oiïicer, A.U.C.C. 50 S T O A (58 X — The Professor and Conditions of work / Le professeur et les conditions de travail XI — Non Degree Granting Institutions / Établissements qui ne confèrent pas de grades Pour chaque projet les renseignements se lisent d'après le code suivant Each project's information is coded as follows : 1. Project Title / Titre du projet 2. Objectives / Buts 3. Method / Méthode 4. Principal investigator (s) / Responsable (s) 5. Other research associates / Autres chercheurs 6. Institution where project is located / Institution où le projet est réalisé 7. Supporting body / Subventionné par 8. Date of Commencement / Date du début 9. Date of Completion / Date de la fin 10. Results obtained from... / Les résultats obtenus de... to be published in... / publiés dans... I — University Government 1. The Multi-Campus in Canadian Colleges 2. 1) Prepare an annotated bibliography on multi-campus college operation. 2) Develop models of multi-campus operations. 3. Library research, field surveys. 4. R. Bryce 5. P. Heron J. Bentham 6. University of Alberta (Department of Educational Administration) 7. College Administration Project. 8. October 1st, 1971. 9. March 30th, 1972. 10. College Administration Project, Dept. of Ed. Admin., U. of Alta. / 50 S T O A (59 I — University Government 1. Structural Development and Organizational Taxonomy of Post-Secondary Institutions. 2. 1) To investigate the feasibility of the Aston Approach to a taxonomic ordering of organizations. 2) To replicate the methodology of Pugh, et al. using data from several points of time in the development of these organizations. 3) To document the structural development of these organizations. , 3. Structural and contextual data will be collected for each year since inception of five colleges in Alberta. Existing documents will be examined ; interviews will be held with each chief executive and with other relevant persons. The instruments used will be the Aston interviewing and quantification schedules as developed by Inkson, et al. (1969). 4. D. Friesen 5. R.P. Heron 6. University of Alberta. 7. CAP 8. September 1971 9. September 1972 10. Thesis and articles I — University Government 1. Formula Space Study 2. Space inventory, utilization of classrooms and laboratories and projection of physical facilities. 3. Data for inventory gathered and maintained on magnetic tape files with inventory reports produced when required. Utilization reports produced twice yearly (starting fall 1971). Simulation model for projection of facilities required to be developed in future. 4. G.A. Fester 5. A. Paige W. Hansen P. Haney 6. University of Alberta 7. Institutional Research & Planning 60 STO A 8. September 1969 9. Partially complete at present 10. G.A. Fester II — University Finance 1. Engineering Laboratories : Facilities and Operations 2. The intent is to improve the function and cost performance in the provision and operation of engineering lab facilities and in the academic programs carried out in those facilities. 3. On the academic side : — Development of procedures for teaching students to "program" their lab work, and operate on an "open lab" basis, — experimenting with the mixing of unlike lab. programs — e.g. material science, civil engineering hydraulics and chemical engineering — in the same space and possibly at the same time. On the building side : procedure has to be by hypothesis and deduction, with addition of appropriate data from any suitable source available. Not practical to set up two alternative building concepts and test both after completion to prove which is cheaper, more functional, or otherwise better. 4. Dr. J.L. Wighton 6. University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus. 9. A continuing operation III — University and the Economy 1. University Impact Study 2. To evaluate the impact of Dalhousie University on the City of Halifax 3. Questionnaire Survey, Statistical evaluations of university purchasing patterns (geographical, interviews, review of the literature) 4. John R. Cameron 6. Dalhousie University 8. May 1970 10. John R. Cameron ; or Academic Vice-President, Dalhousie University IV—Curriculum and Teaching 1. The Learning Cell as an Instructional Method 2. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the learning cell, a new learning method which is characterized by individualisation, personal interaction, exchange of ideas and especially active involvement by the student. 50 S T O A (61 3. Past explorations have demonstrated that given a certain structure and organization, two students working together in the classroom, i.e. forming a learning cell, can be very productive. Several classes in different disciplines, using the learning cell, are being observed and data are being collected to evaluate the learning cell method, in order to find out how students can work most effectively in this structure. If specific skills appear necessary for optimal productivity in the I.e., a training program on these skills might be developed. 4. Dr. M.L. Goldschmid and Dr. B.M. Shore 5. Shirleen Schermerhorn and Françoise Hoen 6. Centre for Learning and Development, McGill University, Montreal, P.Q. 7. Quebec Government, Ministère de l'Éducation, Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Supérieur 8. September 1971 9. 1972-1973 10. Centre for Learning and Development, McGill University, Montreal IV — Programmes et enseignement 1. Mise au point d'une nouvelle méthode d'enseignement : L'auto-instruction guidée au niveau universitaire 2. Vérifier si cette méthode donne de meilleurs résultats d'apprentissage chez les étudiants de niveau universitaire que des méthodes dites traditionnelles. 3. Instruments de travail : textes officiels, questionnaires d'auto-évaluation, feuilles de réponses et feuilles de contrôle. Analyse comparative des résultats obtenus par les groupes-témoins et les groupes expérimentaux, en tenant compte de sept facteurs différents. Codification des questions selon la taxonomie de B.S. Bloom. Cette méthode est utilisée dans l'enseignement du système scolaire du Québec. 4. Guy Stringer 5. Jean Martel — René Lefebvre — Serge Séguin 6. Universités de Sherbrooke, Montréal, du Québec à Trois-Rivières et Rouyn. 7. Ministère de l'Éducation, Province de Québec 8. Novembre 1969 9. Mai 1972 10. Les premiers résultats ont été publiés dans le 1er numéro de la revue de la Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'enseignement supérieur : STOA. 50 S T O A (62 IV — Curriculum and Teaching 1. PRIME (Program of Research in Media Evaluation) 2. To prepare guidelines for production and/or evaluation of educational media. 3. Completed software (films, tapes, etc.) are analysed to identify learning units (themes). Conditions of learning for each unit are determined or hypothesized. Behavioral objectives and criterion measures are developed in consultation with the producer/director and educational consultant team responsible for the creation of the software. Material effectiveness is assessed through field trials. 4. David S. Abbey 5. Mrs. Mario Fieldstone Miss Lois Smith 6. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 8. September 1, 1971 9. June 30, 1973 10. To be published in suitable journal upon completion. IV — Curriculum and Teaching 1. Integrated audiotape-film display devices as learning tools in college chemistry 2. To assess the place and usefulness of audiotape-slide and audiotape-filmstrip devices (particularly, the Philips P.I.P. unit) in chemistry teaching at the college level. Also, to develop graphic and animation techniques appropriate to the P.I.P. device. 3. 1) One-third of the "lecture" material of a senior-level course in chemical instrumentation was taped, and presented with slides cued automatically by an electronic device of our own design. This materially improved the flexibility with which the student proceeded through the course, and examination results proved the worth of this technique, which is now being extended to the remainder of the course. 2) A 10-12 tope sequence on "Chemical bonding and structure" is now in preparation, the material (including considerable film animation) being designed expressly for the Phillips P.I.P. unit. The course material should be useful (in parts) at several different levels in the university, as well as in some secondary school courses. We are especially interested in seeing how material presented in this manner can be integrated into the overall instructional system, including traditional lectures. We have also developed means of interfacing both standard slideprojector/tape player combinations and the P.I.P. unit with the computer-assisted instruction system. S TOA 63 4. Stephen K. Lower 5. On P.I.P. project : Douglas Tait, SFU Audio-Visual Centre 6. Simon Fraser University 7. Simon Fraser University 8. August 1971 9. Dec. 1972 10. S.K. Lower IV — Curriculum and Teaching 1. Programmed Instruction System — Elementary Building Construction . 2. a) To improve the method of transfer of knowledge and to allow the student to study at his own speed. b) To increase the students depth of knowledge in the subject. c) To develop a means to assess, and therefore assist in adding to the students knowledge of the subject. d) To release teaching members from routine instruction thereby permitting more time to be devoted to counseling and tutorials and to development of further programs of research. 3. Review of current literature, development of subject parameter and either unilateral or with consultant(s), development of teaching book(s) for direct student usage. Testing and evaluation of system to be accomplished with the cooperation of students within the school. 4. F.J. Eppell 5. To be appointed if or when necessary 6. Nova Scotia Technical College, School of Architecture 8. June 1971 9. September 1972 10. Nova Scotia Technical College, School of Architecture & in School of Architecture Report IV — Curriculum and Teaching 1. Committee to Investigate Teaching 2. To gather and digest information oh various aspects of university teaching and learning from both inside and outside the university ; to make this readily available to members of the university community ; to encourage both innovation and research into teaching and learning by members of the academic staff. 50 S T O A (64 3. A wide variety of survey techniques will be employed to gather data on teaching and learning, such as literature research, questionnaires, personal interviews, course guide evaluations, etc. 4. Dr. Wm. Meloff D. Otto 5. Judy Brunt Dave English André Gareau 6. University of Alberta 7. C.I.T. and Institutional Research & Planning 8. April 1970 9. Ongoing 10. David Otto, IRAP. VI — Admissions 1. Credit classes in a Federal Penitentiary 2. To determine the potential and limitations of offering university level courses for the incarcerated. 3. Data will be collected about the context in which the course is offered including the perceptions of administrators, counsellors, instructors, enrollees and other inmates. 4. R.E. Brack C.H. McCleary 5. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Campus in co-operation with the Federal Penitentiary at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan 6. Department of the Solicitor General, Saskatchewan Penitentiaries 8. September 1971 9. June 1972 10. C.H. McCleary, Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan VI — Inscriptions 1. Enquête sur les refus et désistements d'admission à l'Université Laval. 2. Les objectifs sont de déterminer les changements, la nature des changements dans la planification de la carrière chez les individus refusés à l'admission à l'Université 50 S T O A (65 Laval, de dégager les modalités d'insertion du refus dans le déroulement de la carrière, et les motifs de désistement suite à une offre d'admission. 3. L'étude se poursuit sous la forme de relance. Les résultats de la revue de la littérature, l'analyse d'entrevues individuelles et les considérations théoriques sur le développement vocationnel ont présidé à l'élaboration de l'enquête. Suite à un pré-test, un questionnaire fut expédié aux 2776 candidats ayant postulé une demande d'admission en septembre 1970 à l'Université Laval. Le questionnaire inventorie les domaines d'activité de travail, de formation générale et professionnelle, l'insertion de ces domaines dans le développement du plan de carrière, et l'impact du refus ou du désistement sur la carrière. La seconde partie du questionnaire présente 15 concepts, "Université Laval", "collèges privés", "programme d'études", "admission à l'Université Laval", "Orientation", "travaux personnels", "Collège d'enseignement général et professionnel", "Sélection universitaire", "Campus", "étudiant", "recteur", "professeur", "industrie", "moi", "homme de la rue", évalués sur neuf échelles descriptives (Semantic Differential). 4. Eddy Slater — Claude Morency Romain Rousseau — Mario Garon 6. Université Laval 7. Université Laval 8. Septembre 1970 9. Septembre 1972 10. Claude Morency VI — Admissions 1. Drop Out Study 2. To ascertain the reasons for withdrawal from university by students first registered in the 1964 academic year. 3. A search of the Registrar's files from 1964 to present, looking for possible causes of Student Attrition at U. of A. 4. Dr. Nim Mehra 5. Judy Brunt - 6. University of Alberta 7. Institutional Research & Planning 8. September 1970 9. September 1972 10. Judy Brunt, IRAP. 50 S T O A (66 VI — Admissions 1. Retention Rates 2. Historical analysis of promotion, transfer, and withdrawal rates at the faculty level to serve as parameters in an institutional enrolment projection model. 3. Computer analysis of historical records to determine cohort survival ratios by faculty and level of study. 4. K.W. Coull 5. Other Research Workers 6. University of Alberta 7. Institutional Research & Planning, 8. October 1970 10. K.W. Coull, IRAP VII — Evaluation and Grading 1. Outcome and Process in a Group Training. 2. To relate the dynamics to learning outcomes in six types of group training situations : to discover who learns about empathy and/or group dynamics — participants, trainee observers, untrained observers. 3. Random assignment to six kinds of treatment, pre-test with criteria measures and other tests, ongoing IPA analysis of groups undergoing treatments through a oneway mirror, post-test. 4. John McLeish 5. A team of graduate students at Ph.D. level. 6. University of Alberta, Edmonton. 7. Canada Council 8. September 1970 9. April 1972. 10. John McLeish VII — Evaluation and Grading 1. Measuring the Quality of Higher Education 2. A critical review of present methods of measuring quality with some suggestions for better measures and the data required. 3. Generally review of the literature and building thereon, with limited statistical applications. STO A 67 4. John R. Cameron 8. October 1971 IX — Student and Student Services 1. Post-Secondary Educational Plans and their Correlates in Alberta Rural Public High Schools 2. To investigate the relationship between the twelfth grade students' Post-Secondary Educational plans and these variables : The organizational climate of schools, student achievement, satisfaction, socioeconomic background, age, and sex. 3. Four instruments were used to collect the data. They were the school climate questionnaire, the OCDQ, the OCDQ modified for students, and a student questionnaire which included personal information and satisfaction subtests. These were Admin, as four schools in Alta., having 20 or more teachers and offering Grade XII. 4. Dr. D. Friesen 5. Sen Keoyote 6. The University of Alberta 7. Department of Educational Administration — U. of A. 10. Dr. D. Friesen, Department of Educational Administration — U. of A.
- Lucien F. Michaud
- J. F. Howin