Coherent Raman Scattering (CRS) microscopy is a technique used to image cells through the use of intrinsic chemical bonds, which allows for label free imaging at video rate speeds. Since the process is coherent the generated signal is orders of magnitude higher than spontaneous Raman microscopy. Many light sources have been developed for CRS microscopy, such as solid state optical parametric oscillators, supercontinuum sources, and fiber lasers. Fiber optical parametric oscillators (FOPOs) are tunable light sources based on the χ(3) nonlinearity found in SiO2. They have the potential to be integrated into compact and robust fiber components. This thesis describes an optimization for output power through tailoring the polarization at the output coupler and characterizes two FOPO systems for their applications in CRS microscopy. Chapter 1 gives a conceptual overview of spontaneous Raman, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) techniques as well as the pump sources typically used to perform CRS microscopy. Chapter 2 summarizes the physics for understanding FOPO operation. Chapter 3 describes our results for optimizing output power for a Nd:YVO4 pumped FOPO by using a polarizing beam splitter with polarization dependent components. Chapter 4 illustrates a Ti:Sapphire pumped FOPO and compares its performance with the Nd:YVO4 system.