Tevis DB Jacobs, Ashlie Martini, Ingrid M Padilla Espinosa July 1, 2021
Understanding the size- and shape-dependent properties of platinum nanoparticles is critical for enabling the design of nanoparticle-based applications with optimal and potentially tunable functionality. Toward this goal, we evaluated nine different empirical potentials with the purpose of accurately modeling faceted platinum nanoparticles using molecular dynamics simulation. First, the potentials were evaluated by computing bulk and surface properties-surface energy, lattice constant, stiffness constants, and the equation of state-and comparing these to prior experimental measurements and quantum mechanics calculations. Then, the potentials were assessed in terms of the stability of cubic and icosahedral nanoparticles with faces in the {100} and {111} planes, respectively. Although none of the force fields predicts all the evaluated properties with perfect accuracy, one potential-the embedded atom method formalism with a specific parameter set-was identified as best able to model platinum in both bulk and nanoparticle forms.
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