Editorial The C A N A D I A N J O U R N A L OF HIGHER EDUCATION (formerly called S T O A ) has now been in existence for four years, and in that time has published eight issues. The beginning of the fifth year is marked by the awarding of a grant by the Canada Council. All those concerned with the journal and especially the members of the Editorial Board express their thanks to the Council. This grant is significant in a financial sense, but it is still more important in the endorsement which it brings both to the purpose of and need for such a journal in Canada. Members of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education and of the Editorial Board have not doubted the need for such a publication. It is heartening to have this view confirmed in a practical way by the Canada Council. With this financial support, we intend to increase the numbers of issues of the journal at least to three and possibly to four per year. Clearly our ability to do so will depend on the number and quality of articles contributed. I urge the members of the Society and all other readers of this journal to recall that the Associate Editor and I are anxious to receive articles about Canadian higher education both of a scholarly and of a more general nature, in both the French and English languages. The procedure for the submission of articles is described on the back page of this issue. ROBIN ROSS, Editor, Canadian Journal of Higher Education April 8,1975
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