Bibliographie choisie sur l'enseignment supérieur au Canada Select Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada ROBIN S. HARRIS, MARCEL de GRANDPRE, HAZEL J. ROBERTS* Cette bibliographie continue celle qui a paru dans Stoa, vol. IV, no. 1, 1974, pp. 85-94. Les références sont données comme dans Robin S. Harris, Bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada, Supplement 1971, University of Toronto Press, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1971. This bibliography follows the one published in Stoa, Vol. IV, no. 1, 1974, pp. 85-94. All references are shown as in Robin S. Harris, A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada, Supplement 1971, University of Toronto Press, Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1971. I - UNIVERSITES ET COLLEGES QUI CONFERENT DES GRADES DEGREE-GRANTING UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES 1 Histoire et organisation / History and organization A Généralités / General Simoneau, R. "Doctrines universitaires et systèmes universitaires: une étude de cas", Recherches Soc. XIII, 3 (Septembre-Décembre 1972), 365-80. B Les Provinces de l'Atlantique / The Atlantic Provinces Morgan, M.O. "Installation Address (as President)," MUN Gazette VI (April, 1974), 4-7. D Les Universités d'Ontario / The Universities of Ontario Laliberté, M. "Rapport d'une commission d'enquête sur l'éducation post-secondaire en Ontario", Rev. Scot. XXIII, 9(Mai 1973), 14-15. Stevenson, H. A. "James John Talman: Historian and Librarian" in F. H. Armstrong et al. Aspects of Nineteenth Century Ontario (Toronto: U. o f T . Press, 1974), 3-18. University of Guelph. Special Centennial Issue, Guelph Alumnus VII, 1 (January-February, 1974). *Marcel de Grandpré est professeur à la Section d'Education comparée et des F o n d e m e n t s de l'éducation, Faculté des Sciences de l'Education, Université de Montréal. Robin S. Harris is Professor of Higher Education, University of Toronto. Hazel J. Roberts is Head Librarian, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. 80 Robin S. Harris, Marcel de Grandpré, and Hazel J. Roberts H Les université de la Colombie-Britanique / The Universities of British Columbia Simon Fraser University: A Report by the President on Its Early Years. Burnaby, B.C.: The University of British Columbia, 1974, pp. 44. University of Victoria, Commission on Academic Development (D. J. MacLaurin, chairman). Report o f . . . Victoria: University of Victoria, 1972, 2 vols. (I: Report; II: Appendices). University of Victoria, Commission on Academic Governance (S. A. Jennings, chairman). Report o f . . . Victoria: University of Victoria, 1972, pp. 90. Orientation et problèmes actuels / Current Trends and Problems A Généralités / General Bolgan, A. C. "Program for Instructional Development: D o We Really Need It?", OCUFA Newsletter VII, 3 (January 1974) 2-3. Bowen, H. R. "The Manpower vs the Free-Choice Principle", Uni» A f f . XV, 1 (January 1974), 2-4. Carrothers, A.W.R. "The Role of the University in Postsecondary Education: President's Report", AUCCProceedings ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 36-52. Cottam, K. J. Canadian Universities, American Takeover of the Mind?Toronto: CALL Publications, 1974, pp. 46. Harvey, D. B. and J. L. Lennards. Key Issues in Higher Education. Toronto: O.I.S.E., 1973, pp. 128. Mackay, C. B. "Executive Director's Report", AUCCProceedings (1973), 53-59. McDonough, I. "Libraries and the Learning Society; a Ministry Conference", Ont. Lib. Rev. LVIII, 1 (March 1974), 4-10. Shute, J. M. "Canadian University Technical Assistance Programs in Africa", Can.. Jour. African Studies VI, 3 ( 1 9 7 2 ) , 4 9 1 - 5 0 0 . B Administration universitaire / University Government Bosetti, R. A. "The Process o f Perception and the Administration", Can. Admin. XII, 8 (May, 1973), 35-38. Hartman, J. B. "Complementary Models of University Organization", Jour. Ed. Thought VIII, 1 (April, 1 9 7 4 ) , 15-28. Schwarz da Silva, J. A. "Les réseaux d'ordinateurs", Ing. LVIII, 2 8 2 (Septembre 1972), 3-10. C Finances universitaires / University Finance Gill, A. "This Year's Dollar Story", Univ. A f f . XV, 5 (May 1974), 8-9. Peitchinis, S. G. "Equality and Inequality of Opportunity: The Financing of Post-Secondary Education in Canada", Australian Jour. Higher Education V, 1 (December, 1973), 64-75. D L'Université et l'Etat / The University and the State "National Involvement Requires Federal Presence / Une participation aux affaires nationales exige une présence fédérale", Univ. A f f . / A f f . Univ. XV, 4 (April/Avril 1974), 2-4. G La Planification universitaire / University planning Adams, Can. Ingram, ber, W. A. and E. A. Holdaway. "Communication Networks in Formal Organizations", Admin. XIII, 2 (November, 1973), 7-11. E. J. "Knowledge Utilization: an Alternative Model", Man. Jour. Ed. IX, 1 (Novem1973), 15-22 81 Bibliographie choisie 3 Programme d'étude et méthodes d'enseignement / Curriculum and Teaching Sterling, T. D. and R. C. Brown "For the Students Who Don't know Why: "a New Curriculum", Univ. Ä f f . XV, 5 (May 1974) 6-7. A Faculté des Arts et des Sciences / The Faculty of Arts and Sciences Anderson, M. "A New Subject: Women's Studies", McGill Jour. Ed. IX, 1 (Spring, 1974), 67-76. B o y d , G. M. "Educational Technology and the Re-Creation of the University", McGill Jour. Ed. VIII, 2 (Fall, 1973), 169-75. Fuller, O. M. et al. "A Course in Experimentation", McGill Jour. Ed. IX, 1 (Spring, 1974), 96-109. Harvey, D. "De-Schooling the Self", Our Generation IX, 3 (Summer, 1973), 34-40. Hilborn, J. "Education and Control", Our Generation IX, 3 (Summer, 1973), 18-33. Lane, M. "Clustering: A Synergetic Approach to Learning", Orbit V, 1 (February, 1974), 8-11. Mariyama, M. "Future Education and a New Epistemology", McGill Jour. Ed. VII, 1 (Spring, 1973), 86-94. Randhawa, B. S. "Meaningful Learning and Individualized Instruction in Relation to Tote Unit for an Evaluation Paradigm", Man. Jour. Ed. VII, 1 (November, 1971), 57-68. Samson, J. M. "Une Source de créativité à l'université: l'évaluation par activités cumulatives", McGill Jour. Ed. VII, 1 (Spring, 1973), 64-72. Weber, M. E. and O. M. Fuller, "Problem Solving in PSI", McGill Jour. Ed. VIII, 2 (Fall, 1973), 179-87. Wilson, H. B. "Cultural Literacy Laboratory", McGill Jour. Ed. IX, 1 (Spring, 1974), 86-95. C Les Humanités / Humanities Braybrooke, D. "The Philosophical Scene in Canada", Can. Forum LIII, 6 3 6 (January, 1974), 29-33. Collin, C. et Z. Isana, L'enseignement de la philosophie, Essai de didactique expérimentale, Montreal, Fides, 1974, pp. 104. Goutor, J. R. "The Historian as Moralist: Some Implications for Teaching History", Can. Jour. Hist, and Soc. Sei. VI, 3 (March-April 1971), 25-31. Halamandaris, P. G. "Linguistics and the Language Teacher", Man. Jour. Ed. VI, 1 (November, 1970), 15-27. Joos, M. "Reading Knowledge Testing", Can. Jour. Linguistics XVII, 2/3 ( 1 9 7 2 ) , 191-215. Trueman, J. "Has History a Future?" Can. Jour. Hist, and Soc. Sei. VI, 3 (March-April, 1971), 1-8. D Sciences sociales / Social Sciences Adams, W. P. and W. Barr "Annotated Bibliography of the McGill Sub-Artie Research Papers ( 1 9 5 4 - 1 9 7 0 ) " , Rev. Gêog. Montréal XXVII, 4 ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 391-412. Berry, R. "The Changing Role of the Clinical Psychologist: Psychologists and the System", Ont. Psych. V, 1 ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 27-31. Gottlieb, B. H. "Professional Training of the Generic Community Psychologist: Four Core Competencies", Ont. Psych. V, 5 (December, 1973), 52-55. Hull, W. H. N. "The 1971 Survey of the Profession", Can. Jour. Pol. Sei. VI, 1 (March, 1973), 89-120. Mahrer, A. R. "Defining Characteristics of a Humanistic Program of Community Change and Specimen: The Facilitation of Self-Confidence in the Neonate", Ont. Psych. V, 5 (December, 1973), 45-50. Myers, C. R. "Whatever Happened to Canadian Psychology?", Can. Psych. XI, 2 (April, 1970), 128-32. 82 Robin S. Harris, Marcel de Grandpré, and Hazel J. Roberts Ricks, J. "The OPA Convention: A Study in Professional Self-Image", Ont. Psych. V, 1 ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 14-17. Roche, D. S. "Psychologists in Education: a Renewed Search for Role Definition", Ont. Psych. VI, 1 (April, 1974), 4-7. Smiley, D. "Must Canadian Political Science be a Miniature Replica?", Jour. Can. Studies IX, 1 (February, 1974), 31-42. Weinstein, M. S. "The Community Psychologist as a Specialist in Research and Development", Ont. Psych. V, 5 (December, 1973), 7-9. E Mathématiques et sciences / Mathematics and the Sciences Deschênes, et P. A. Aitcin, P. C. "Une expérience pédagogique originale à la faculté des sciences appliquées de l'Université de Sherbrooke", Ing. LVIII, 275 (Février 1972), 8-9. F Enseignement professionnel / Professional Education Brown, M. C. "Medicare and the Medical Monopoly", Can. Forum LIV, 6 3 9 (April, 1974), 5-9. Canadian Education Association. Requirements for Teaching Certificates in Canada. Toronto: C.E.A., 1974, pp. 12. Cheong, G. S. C. "Predicting Practice Teaching Performance from Experimentalism and Dogmatism Ratings",Man. Jour. Ed. VII, 1 (November, 1971), 31-35. Colas, E. "Le Barreau, les facultés de droit et le stage", Rev. Barr. XXXIII, 1 (Janvier 1973), 2-16. Coldberg, E. M. "L'utilité de la recherche dans la formation au service social", Serv. Soc. XXI, 1-2 (Janvier-Août 1972), 156-70. De Jongh, J. F. "Regard rétrospectif sur l'enseignement du service social", Serv. Soc. XXI, 1-2 (Janvier-Août 1972), 22-44. Fournier, M. "L'institutionnalisation des sciences sociales au Québec", Sociologie et Société V, 1 (Mai 1973), 27-57. Harker, W. J. "The Professional Preparation of Reading Teachers and Specialists in Canadian Universities and Colleges", Man. Jour. Ed. VIII, 2 (June, 1973), 4 4 - 5 0 . Hendley, B. "Five Mistaken Approaches to Education",McGill Jour. Ed. IX, 1 (Spring, 1974), 25-33. Hogan, T. W. "Program Evaluation in the Health Field; Nature and Problems", Ont. Psych. V, 3 (August, 1973), 4-13. Hodysh, H. W. and P. J. Miller "Integration and the Professional Year", Teacher Education 1 (Spring, 1974), 25-31. Jousse, A. T. "Paramedical Education in the Field of Rehabilitation in Canada", Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation L (December, 1969), 695-99. McKay, R. M. "The Teacher Assistant Program at Hamilton Teachers' College", Teacher Education 1 (Spring, 1974), 68-80. Normandin, M. et P. O. Perron "Le centre de Recherche industrielle du Québec", Ing. LVIII, 2 7 8 (Mai 1972), 3-6. Pedersen, G. K. "The Case for Reform in Teacher Education", Teacher Education 7 (Spring, 1974), 3-15. Porter, G. and R. Cuff (eds.), Enterprise and National Development: Essays in Canadian Business and Economic History, Toronto: Hakkert, 1973. pp. 138. Sanders, J. T. "Toward a Rationale for Practice Teaching", Teacher Education 7 (Spring, 1974), 17-24. Volpe, R. "Theoretical Relevance in Teacher Education", Teacher Education 1 (Spring, 1974), 33-42. Wickstrom, R. A. "Sources of Teacher Job Satisfaction", Can. Admin. XIII, 1 (October, 1973), 1-5. Wilson, H. T. "Rationality and Decision in Administrative Science", Can. Jour. Pol. Sei VI, 2 (June, 1973), 271-94. 83 Bibliographie choisie Wilson, J. D. "The Teacher in Early Ontario", in F. Armstrong et al. Aspects Century Ontario (Toronto: U. of T. Press, 1974), 218-36. of Nineteenth G Etudes post-universitaires / Graduate Studies Daine, P., L. Foster and M. Nixon. "Unresolved Problems of the Graduate Student Role", McGill Jour. Ed. IX, 1 (Spring, 1974), 61-64. H Education des adultes / Adult Education Bordeleau, J. et G. Gélineau, L'université buissonniere, Montréal, Les Pres'ses de l'Université de Montréal, 1973, pp. 156. Daoust, G. et P. Bélanger, L'université dans une société éducative, De l'éducation des adultes à l'éducation permanente, Montréal, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1974. pp. 240. De Marco, F. A. Report on Extension and Continuing Education. Windsor: University of Windsor, 1974, pp. 154. Gleason, M., "Harbor Grace, Cow Head, Nain: the Extension Service Reaches Out", Univ. A f f . XV, 5 (May 1974), 2-4. Murphy, P. J. "Factors Affecting an Adult's Attendance at a Community College in the Evening", Man. Jour. Ed. VIII, 2 (June, 1973), 66-72. Perry, W. "Open University", AUCCProceedings ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 97-103. I Inscriptions / Admissions Canadian Education Association. Requirements for Secondary School Leaving Certificates and for Admission to University and Teacher Training. Toronto: C.E.A., 1974, pp. 32. Gordon, A. "Accessibility and Equal Opportunity: Discussion Paper I", AUCCProceedings ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 103-9. Wisenthal, M. "Enrolment Fluctuations and Patterns for the Future: Discussion Paper III", AUCC Proceedings ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 114-21. K Aides didactiques / Instructional Aids Gillett, M. "Hard, Soft, or Medium", McGill Jour. Ed. VIII, 2 (Fall, 1973), 129-44. Herold, E. S. "Student Attitudes Toward the Use of Televised Lectures in Introductory Sociology at the University of Manitoba", Ma«. Jour. Ed. VI, 2 (June, 1971), 39-47. Kalman, C. S. and D. Kaufman. "Language Loyola CAI 'T' (Language pour enseignement automatisé)", Instr. Technol. Newsletter III, 1 (Mars 1974), 29-30. Kalman, C. S. and D. Kaufman "Loyola CAI Language", Instr. Technol. Newsletter III, 1 (March 1974), 25-28. Labrousse, F. "L'Enseignement assisté par ordinateur au service de l'informatique du Ministère de l'éducation du Québec", Instr. Technol. Newsletter III, 1 (Mars 1974), 14-17. Saettler, P. "Theory and Research in Instructional Technology", McGill Jour. Ed. VIII, 2 (Fall, 1973), 157-64. Shore, B. "Computer, Teacher and Learner: Some Technological Implications", McGill Jour. Ed. VIII, 2 (Fall, 1973), 150-56. Wakarchuk, A. "CAI: An Innovation Slow to D i f f u s e " , M a n . Jour. Ed. VII, 2 (June, 1972), 55-64. Whitworth, F. E. "On Integrating the Newer Media Into Learning Situations", Instr. Newsletter III, 1 (March 1974), 20-22. Technol. L Etudes canadiennes / Canadian Studies Lentner, H. H. "Canada and the U. S./There's a Profound Difference", Can. Jour. Hist, and Soc. Sci. VI, 2 (November-December, 1970), 9-19. Mulcahy, D. G. "An Emerging Curriculum Force in Canadian Studies", Jour. Can. Hist, and Soc. Sci. VII, 1 (Fall, 1971), 9-18. 84 Robin S. Harris, Marcel de Grandpré, and Hazel J. Roberts Smith, D. B. "The Canada Studies Foundation", Can. Jour. Hist, and Soc. Sei. VI, 2 (November-December, 1970), 30-33. 4 Recherche et études / Research and Scholarship A Généralités / General Sheehan, B. S. "Federal Funds and University Research", Can. Jour. Pol. Sei. VI, 1 (March, 1973), 121-30. Sheehan, B. S. "Simulation Modelling in Institutional Research", McGill Jour. Ed. VIII, 2 (Fall, 1973), 192-97. C Sciences / In the Sciences Baroux, J. "SITEST pour sauver le français scientifique",/!//. Univ. XV, 2 (Février 1974), 2-3. D Humanités et sciences sociales / In the Humanities and the Social Sciences Greenglass, E. and M. Stewart, "The Under-Representation of Women in Social Psychological Research", Ont. Psych. V, 2 ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 21-29. Klinck, C. ,F. "Bookmen and Scholars" in F. Armstrong et al. A spects of Nineteenth Century Ontario (Toronto: U. of T. Press, 1974), 327-33. E Enseignement / In education Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, Research Division. Inventory of Research Relevant to Higher Education in Canada, 1974, Ottawa: A.U.C.C., 1974, pp. 18. F Bibliothèques / Libraries Donnelly, F. D. The National 1973, pp. 281. Library of Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, H Sociétés savantes et professionnelles / Learned and Professional Societies Douglas, V. I. "SCITEC: What Has Been D o n e in Its First Four Years?", Science Forum VII, 2 (April 1974), 32-33. Shlosser, E. F. "The Meeting of Canadian Byzantinists at Queen's University", New Rev. XIII, 3 (September, 1973), 58-60. 5 L'étudiant et les services aux étudiants / Student and Student Services A Généralités / General Boucher, J. "Aide financière aux étudiants et problèmes financiers des étudiants: discussion II", A UCC Délibérations ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 110-13. Camp, D. "The Public Image of the University Student Today", AUCCProceedings (1973), 92-94. Denyer, J. "Student Expectation and Needs: Discussion Paper IV", AUCC Proceedings ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 124-30. Filion, G. "Discours", AUCC Délibérations ( 1 9 7 3 ) , 95-97. Simoneau, R. "Les étudiants, les dirigeants et l'université: Doctrines étudiantes et doctrines universitaires", Recherches Soc. XIII, 3 (Septembre-Décembre 1972), 343-64. B Engagement politique et social / Political and Social Involvement Stem, S. "Jewish Youth and Canadian Concerns", Can. Jewish Outlook 1973), 17-18. XI, 4 (April-May, 85 Bibliographie choisie F Emploi / Placement Schachter, H. "Up the Campus Corporation", Macleans LXXXVII, 4 (April, 1974), 11-12. 6 Le professeur et les conditions de travail / The Professor and Conditions of Work A Généralités / General Brayne, R. C. and C. C. Wood, "Faculty Consensus: Is it Necessary?" Man. Jour. Ed. VII, 2 (June 1972), 31-41. Holmes, J. "Demography Affects Employment Promotion", Univ. Ä f f . XV, 3 (March 1974), 2-3. B Le Professeur comme enseignant / Professor as teacher Randhawa, B. S. and H. W. Savage. "Student Criteria for Evaluating College Instructor Effectiveness", Man. Jour. Ed. VI, 1 (November, 1970), 35-44. Taylor, P. A., E. de Corte, and K. Swinnen. "Standards for Judging Instructional Effectiveness", Afan. Jour. Ed. VI, 1 (November, 1970), 5-13. D Salaires et bénéfices / Salary and Benefits Knapper, C. "A Question of Merit", C.A.U.T. Bull. XXII, 4 (March 1974), 13-16. II - ETABLISSEMENTS QUI NE CONFERENT PAS DE GRADE NON-DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS 6 Québec / Quebec Le CEGEP 5 ans après, Succès ou échec, Montréal-Nord, Les Grandes Editions du Québec, 1973, pp. 96. 10 Alberta Hanson, E. J. Population Analysis and Projections College Areas in Alberta. Provincial Board of Post Secondary Education, 1968, pp. 112. 11 Colombie-Britanique Edmonton: / British Columbia Dennison, J. D. and G. Jones. A Socio-Economic Study of College Students. Vancouver: Academic Board for Higher Education in British Columbia, 1971, pp. 26. Dennison, J. D. and A. Tunner. The Impact of Community Colleges. Vancouver: B. C. Research, 1971-74, 11 vols. 1. Bibliography of Community Colleges, 1972, pp. 141. 2. Socio-economic Survey, 1972, pp. 63. 3. Opinion Questionnaire, 1972, pp. 141. 4. Academic Background and Ability of College Students, 1972. 5. Health Survey, 1972, pp. 58. 6. Survey of Grade 12 students, 1972. 7. Post-secondary Student Survey, 1973, pp. 92. 8. Survey of Grade 12 students, 1973, pp. 34. 9. Community Survey - a Pilot Project, 1973, pp. 62. 10. Survey of College Faculty, 1973. 11. College-University Articulation Study, 1974.
- Hazel J. Roberts
- Robin S. Harris
- Marcel de Grandpre