Bibliographie choisie sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada Select Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada HUGH L. SMITH*, HAZEL ROBERTS**, PIERRE CASNOf, ROBIN S. H A R R I S f t Cette bibliographie continue celle qui a paru dans La Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur (précédemment Stoa), Vol. VII no. 2, 1977, pp. 89-100. Les références sont données comme dans Robin S. Harris, Bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada, Supplément 1971. Les catégories suivantes ont été ajoutées. This bibliography follows the one published in The Canadian Journal of Higher Education (formerly called Stoa), Vol. VII No. 2, 1977, pp. 89-100. References are listed as in Robin S. Harris, A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada, Supplement 1971, but the following categories have been added: II 2H 3L 4J 6E 6F Canadian North/Le nord canadien Access to Higher Education/Accès à l'enseignement supérieur Canadian Studies/Etudes canadiennes Scholarly Publications/Revues savantes Appointments, Promotions and Tenure/Nominations, promotion et permanence Collective Bargaining/Négociations collectives I - DEGREE-GRANTING UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES/ UNIVERSITES ET COLLEGES QUI CONFERENT DES GRADES 1 History and Organization / Histoire et organisation A General / Généralités Moriarty, R.J. "The organizational history of the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union Central (CIAUC) 1900-1955." Ph.D. thesis, Ohio State University, 1971. *Librarian, Erindale College, University of Toronto **Head Librarian, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada fFaculté des Sciences de l'Education. Université de Montréal. t f H i g h e r Education Group, University of Toronto. 54 Select Bibliography - Bibliographie choisie Scarfe, J. "Stephen Leacock's perception of the university." Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Toronto, 1977. B The Atlantic Provinces / Les provinces atlantiques Perkin, J.R.C. ed. "The undoing of Babel: Watson Kirkconnell: the man and his work." Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1975. 128p. C T h e Universities of Q u e b e c / L e s U n i v e r s i t é s d u Q u e b e c "Church-university conflict at Université de Montréal." Univ.Aff./Aff.univ. 18(Mar.l977) 8-10. Côté, Françoise. "Pour une évolution vers un régime de 'santé gratuite'." Univ.Aff./Aff.univ. 18(Mar.l977) 6-7. "The Vatican or the University - who is to set policy for University of Montreal faculty of theology?" CAUTBulletin ACPU. 25(Jan.l977) 8-9. D T h e Universities of O n t a r i o / Les Universités de l ' O n t a r i o Patterson, G.M. "Pathway to excellence: UTIAS - the first twenty-five years." Toronto, Institute of Aerospace Studies, 1977. 288p. H T h e U n i v e r s i t i e s o f British C o l u m b i a / L e s U n i v e r s i t é s d e la C o l o m b i e - B r i t a n n i q u e Sullivan, N. "Interim provincial funding for research needed in B.C. says Gaudry report." Univ . A f f . /Aff.univ. 18(April 1977) 8. 2 Current Trends and Problems / Orientation et problèmes présents B University G o v e r n m e n t / A d m i n i s t r a t i o n universitaire Brook, A. "Departmental rights and university governance." CA UTBulletin 12,17. Sullivan, S. "Aging faculty - a new and complex 'crisis'." Univ.Aff./Aff.univ. 2,11. C ACPU, 24(Nov. 1976) 18(Mar.l977) University Finance / Finances universitaires "Opposing current tuition increases is the minimum - the message of 25 years of student work on the tuition issue." The Student Advocate. l(Feb,1977) 4-5. Woodcock, L. "A few universities refuse to charge differential fees." Univ.Aff./Aff.univ. 18(Mar. 1977) 28. Woodcock, L. "University students still come from higher income families." Univ.Aff./Aff.univ. 1 8(Mar.l977) 5. D T h e University and the State / L'Université et l'Etat Cinman, I. '"National security' considerations bar academic from Canada." CAUT Bulletin ACPU. 25(Mar.l 977) 3. Côté, F. "Pour un débat public au Québec sur l'enseignement supérieur." Univ.Aff./Aff.univ. 18(Apr. 1977) 7. Holmes, E.L. "How industry and university can better serve each other." Science Forum 10(Feb. 1977) 30-31. Woodcock, L. "Increasing provincial control a matter of great concern." Univ.Aff./Aff.univ. 18( April 1977) 4,16. 55 3 Select Bibliography - Bibliographie choisie Curriculum and Teaching / Programme d'étude et méthodes d'enseignement A T h e Faculty of Arts and Science Harris, J. "Literary and liberal education." Canadian Forum 67, (April 1977) 7-12. C The Humanities / Les H u m a n i t é s Davey, E. "The development of undergraduate music curricula at the University of Toronto, 1918-68." Unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Toronto, 1977. Hanham, H.J. "Canadian history in the 1970s." Canadian Historical Review 58, (March 1977) 2-22. Priestley, F.E.L. and Kerpneck, H.L. "Report of the Commission on Undergraduate Studies in English in Canadian Universities." Association of Canadian University Teachers of English (Prof. J. McMaster, Department of English, University of Alberta), 1976, 11 l p . D Social S c i e n c e s / S c i e n c e s sociales Card, B.Y. "The state of sociology in education in anglophone Canada." Canadian Society for the study of Education Bulletin, 2(Feb.l975). See also King, A.R. and Card, B.Y. Canadian Journal of Education 1.1 (1976) 83-85. F Professional Education / Enseignement professionel Allemang, M.M. "Nursing education in the United States and Canada, 1873-1950: leading figures, forces, news on education." Ph.D thesis, University of Washington, 1974. Cosbie, W.G. " T h e Toronto General Hospital 1819-1965: a chronicle." Toronto, Macmillan, 1975. 373p. Nevitt, J. "History of School of Nursing." Memorial University of Newfoundland Gazette 9, (Oct.29, 1976) 1-2. H A d u l t E d u c a t i o n / E d u c a t i o n des a d u l t e s Homer, G. "Expanding service roles for libraries: a practical framework for continuing studies." Canadian Library Journal, 34(Feb.l977) 33-38. J E v a l u a t i o n a n d G r a d i n g / E v a l u a t i o n et c l a s s e m e n t Crewe, I. "Examinations should be impartial tests of ability." CA UTBulletin 24. ACPU 25(Jan.l977) L Canadian Studies / Etudes canadiennes Canadian Journal of Education / Revue Canadienne de IEducation 2, 1, (1977). Issue entirely devoted to Canadian Studies. Downey, L.W. "Trends in Canadian studies." Education Canada 16,4(Winter 1976) 18-20. 4 Research and Scholarship / Recherche et études A General / Généralités Association of Canadian Archivists. Directory of Canadian records and manuscript Halifax, The Association (Valerie Cowan. 24 Laurier Drive, Halifax). C repositories. In t h e S c i e n c e s / S c i e n c e s Conway, B.E. "Research funding in the pure sciences." CA UT Bulletin ACPU, 25 (Mar. 197 7) 9-10. 56 Select Bibliography - Bibliographie choisie Cowan, J.S. "Research lobbying: choosing the next step." Science Forum, 10(Feb.l977) 22-23. Mainwood, G.W. "Canadian science policy: at MOSST, not very m u c h . " CA UT Bulletin ACPU, 25(Mar.l 977) 7-8. F Libraries / Bibliothèques Orton, L. and Wiseman, J. "Library service to part-time students." Canadian Library 3 4 ( F e b . l 9 7 7 ) 23-27. Journal, H Learned and Professional Societies / Sociétés savantes et professionelles Martin, J. "Together in thought: . . . our two founding cultures meeting in the Royal Society." Imperial Oil Review 60(June 1976) 8-1 1. 5 The Student and Student Services / L'Etudiant et les services aux étudiants A General / Généralités F'airs, J.R. "The athletics - physical education dichotomy. The genesis of the intercollegiate athletic movement." Canadian Journal History of Sport and Physical Education 2,(May 1971) 44. 6 The Professor and Conditions of Work / Le Professeur et les conditions de travail A General / Généralités Cinman, 1. "Political activism main subject of Board discussions." CAUTBulletin 1976) 1. C ACPU 24(Nov. Academic F r e e d o m / Libertés universitaires Blackbourn, A. "Tradition and change guarantee academic freedom in universities." CAUT Bulletin ACPU 24(Nov.l976) 28. Stevens, J.R. "Academic freedom and tenure — once more! " CAUT Bulletin ACPU 24(Nov.l976) 10-11. D S a l a r y a n d B e n e f i t s / Salaires et b é n é f i c e s Rose, J. "Faculty salaries and the issue of differentials." CAUT Bulletin ACPU 25(Jan.l977) 10. E A p p o i n t m e n t s , P r o m o t i o n s and T e n u r e / N o m i n a t i o n s , p r o m o t i o n et p e r m a n e n c e Whyte, J.D. "'Finally, there is the Einstein syndrome': reasons for denying tenure." CAUT Bulletin ACPU 24(Nov.l976) 12-13,16. F Collective Bargaining / Négociations collectives "Ontario Supreme Court rejects challenge; collective agreement in force at York University." CAUT Bulletin ACPU 25(Mar.l977) 1,10.
- Hazel J. Roberts
- Hugh L. Smith
- Robin S. Harris
- Pierre Casno