Bibliographie choisie sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada Select Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada HUGH L. SMITH*, HAZEL ROBERTS**, PIERRE CASNOf, ROBIN S. H A R R I S f t This bibliography follows the one published in The Canadian Journal of Higher Education (formerly called Stoa), Vol. VI, No. 3, 1976, pp. 79-89. References are listed as in Robin S. Harris, .4 Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada, Supplement 1971, but the following categories have been added: 2H 3L 4J 6E 6F Cette bibliographie continue celle qui a paru dans La Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur (précédemment Stoa), Vol. VI, no. 3, 1976, pp. 79-89. Les références sont données comme dans Robin S. Harris, Bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada, Supplément 1971. Les catégories suivantes ont été ajoutées: Access to Higher Education / Accès à l'enseignement supérieur Canadian Studies / Etudes canadiennes Scholarly Publications / Revues savantes Appointments, Promotions and Tenure / Nominations, promotion et permanence Collective Bargaining / Négociations collectives I - DEGREE-GRANTING UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES / UNIVERSITES ET COLLEGES QUI CONFERENT DES GRADES 1 History and Organization / Histoire et organisation A General / Généralités Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada / Association des Universités et Collèges du Canada. Proceedings of the annual meeting / Délibérations de l'assemblée annuelle, Hotel Saskatchewan, Regina, Nov. 1-4, ¡976. Prepared by / Préparé par Joan Rondeau. Ottawa, Ont., A.U.C.C., 1976. 120p. ""Librarian, Erindale College, University of Toronto **Head Librarian, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. fFaculté des Sciences de l'Education, Université de Montréal. t f H i g h e r Education Group, University of Toronto. 56 Hugh L. Smith, Hazel Roberts, Pierre Casno, Robin S. Harris Canadian universities; a statistical summary / Universités canadiennes; sommaire statistique. Prepared by Statistics Canada in co-operation with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada / Préparé par Statistique Canada en collaboration avec l'Association des Universités et Collèges du Canada. Ottawa, Ont., Statistics Canada, 1976. 1 18p. Harris, R. S. "The Universities of O n t a r i o , " in Commonwealth Universities' Yearbook 1976. V.2, p. 777-90. Shortt, S.E.D. The Search for the ideal: Six Canadian intellectuals and their convictions in an age of transition 1890-1930. T o r o n t o : U. of T. Press, 1976. 216p. [Andrew Macphail, Archibald MacMechan, James Cappon, Maurice H u t t o n , Adam Shortt, James Mavor] B The Atlantic Provinces / Les provinces atlantiques Ayling, V. " N e w man at the helm of Moncton University." Atlantic Advocate 66(8) 54-55. Callbeck, L. "PEI's University: a Story of Progress." Atlantic Advocate 66(10) 56-59. Doyle, B. " T h e College of Cape B r e t o n . " Atlantic Advocate 66(10) 9-10, 12. Kulak, B. " T h e Making of a President. University of New Brunswick's J o h n A n d e r s o n . " Atlantic Advocate 66(8) 8-10. Leefe, J. "King's Law School." Atlantic Advocate 66(7) 58, 60. C The Universities of Quebec / Les Universités du Québec Lawson-Smith, C., Skelton-Pasmore, E., and B o u r d o u x h e , A. -M. "McGill Cancer Research Institute; a profile." Canadian Research 9, 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1976), 9-11, 15-20. D The Universities of Ontario / Les Universités de l'Ontario Angrave, J. " J o h n Strachan and Scottish Influence in the character of King's College, York, 1 8 2 7 , " Journal of Canadian Studies 11 (August 1976), 60-68. Payton, L. C. The status of women in Ontario universities: a report to the Council of Ontario universities. T o r o n t o , Ont., Council of Ontario Universities, 1975. 21p. Queen's University, Kingston. Principal's C o m m i t t e e on the Status of Women at Queen's University. Report. Kingston, Ont., 1974. 32p. University of Guelph. President's Task Force on the Status of Women at the University of Guelph. Report. Guelph, Ont., 1975. 58p. University of T o r o n t o . Task Force to Study the Status of Non-Academic Women at the University of T o r o n t o . " R e p o r t on the status of non-academic w o m e n . " University of Toronto Bulletin.. 28, 27 (March 21, 1975), S1-S3. University of Western Ontario. President's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women at the University. " R e p o r t . " Western News 11, 7 (September 18, 1975), Supplement, 32p. University of Western Ontario. President's Advisory C o m m i t t e e on Women's Salaries (Academic). " R e p o r t " Western News 1 1 , 1 3 (October 30, 1973), Supplement. York University. Task Force on the Status of Women at York University. Report to Senate at its meeting on February 27, 1975. Downsview, Ont., 1975. 261 leaves. E The Universities of Manitoba / Les Universités du Manitoba Williamson, N. J. "Lansdowne College: a portrait of the depression of 1 8 8 5 . " Manitoba 2 1 , 4 (Summer 1976), 15-17. Pageant F The Universities of Saskatchewan / Les Universités du Saskatchewan University of Regina. President's C o m m i t t e e on the Status of Women. Report. 1975. 94 leaves. Regina, Saskatchewan, G Universities of Alberta / Les Universités de l'Alberta Nearing, P. A. "Rev. John R. MacDonald, St. Joseph's College and the University of Alberta," Can. Catholic Historical Assoc. Study Sessions 1975. p. 71-90. 57 Select Bibliography - Bibliographie choisie H The Universities of British Columbia / Les Universités de la Colombia-Britannique "Faculty of Law Building, University of British Columbia." Canadian Architect, 2 Current trends and problems / Orientation et problèmes 21 (6), 42-47. présents A General / Généralités Conseil des Ministres de l'Education (Canada) / Council of Ministers of Education, Canada. Rapport Annuel / Annual Report ¡975-1976 T o r o n t o , Conseil / Council, 1976. 26p. Fisk, L. J. "University education; a great social disaster." Atlantic Advocate 66 (1)), 21-23. Franklin, M. "Collaboration between industry and universities could streamline Canadian technology." Science Forum 9, 5 (October 1976), 12-15. Macdonald, J. B. "Relationships between the professions and the universities." in The Professions, Universities and the Civil Service - Mutual interaction. Occasional Paper no. 32. Report on a Seminar sponsored by the Commonwealth F o u n d a t i o n at the Professional Centre, Jamaica, January 13th-18th, 1975. London, The C o m m o n w e a l t h F o u n d a t i o n , 1975. p. 74-84. C University Finance / Finances universitaires "Financial crisis prevailing on Canadian campuses confirmed and re-inforced by federal-provincial negotiations." The Student Advocate 1 , 4 (January 1977), 1. D The University and the State / L'Université et l'Etat Harvey, H. H. "Inflation: a p o w e r f u l tool in government science policy." CAUT/ACPUBulletin. 24, 9 (October 1976), 14-15, 18. Masleck, C. "Federal-provincial governments hold talks to determine f u t u r e of cost-shared programs." CAUT/ACPU Bulletin 24, 7 (September 1976), 1. Sullivan, N. "Post-secondary e d u c a t i o n - f e d e r a l role on the w a n e ? " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 1 8 , 2 (February 1977), 2-3. "Where will the universities stand in the provincial queue as they c o m p e t e for f u n d s ? " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18, 2 (February 1977), 3, 8. 3 Curriculum and Teaching / Programme d'étude et méthodes d'enseignement C The Humanities / Les humanités Canadian Association of Latin American Studies. Directory of Canadian scholars and universities interested in Latin American Studies. Edited by W. C. Soderlund. 2d ed. O t t a w a , The Association, 1976. 71p. Sullivan, N. " T o r o n t o group to publish Zola correspondence". Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 17, 10 (December 1976), 19 Vardy, S. B. "Hungarian Studies at American and Canadian universities. Canadian American Review of Hungarian Studies. 2, 2 (Fall 1975), 91-121. D Social Sciences / Sciènces sociales Clark, S. D. "Sociology in Canada: an historical overview." Can. Jour. Sociology 1, 2 (Fall 1975), 295-312 O'Neil, D. J. and Wagner, J. R. "Teaching Canadian politics at American universities: some recomm e n d a t i o n s , " American Review of Canadian Studies 6, 1 (Spring 1976), 126-50. F Professional Education / Enseignement professionel Barnes, J. "An overview of the one-year M.S.W. programme in Canada." Social Worker 44(2-3), 34-42. 58 Hugh L. Smith, Hazel Roberts, Pierre Casno, Robin S. Harris Belanger, G. et J.-L. Migué. "Reflexions sur l'enseignement et la recherche en é c o n o m i q u e de la santé au Canada". Actualité économique 5 1 , 3 (juillet-septembre 1975), 446-52. Burton, J. E. " S o m e effects of the administrative structure upon university schools of rehabilitation." Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 43(2), 70-73. Chelladurai, P. "A composite model for degree programs in institutions of physical e d u c a t i o n . " Can. Assoc. Health Phys. Ed. Recreation Jour. 42(5), 30-35. Council of Ontario Universities. Commoditie, firmenes and delight: a study of architectural education in Ontario. T o r o n t o : the Council, 1976. 4 0 1 p . Davies, A. O. "Confessions of a geriatric resident." Canadian Doctor 42(5), 53-54. Ives, W. G. " E x a m s can be f u n - even in middle age." Canadian Doctor 4 2 ( 6 ) , 43-46. Marett, C. M. " T h e Ontario Agricultural College (1874-1974): some developments in scientific agriculture." Unpublished M. A. Thesis, University of Guelph, 1975. Moriarty, D. "Integrate or disintegrate." Can. Assoc. Health Phys. Ed. Recreation Jour. 42(5), 23-29. Overdun, H. People and ideas: nursing at Western 1920-1970. L o n d o n , Faculty of Nursing, University of Western Ontario, 1973. Purdie, D. H. " T h e story of Pentecostal theological e d u c a t i o n . " Canadian Church Historical Society Journal 17, 4 (December 1975), 94-103. Ray, Janet. Emily Stowe. T o r o n t o , Fitzberry & Whiteside, 1976. [medicine: historical development] Soberman, D. A. " T h e Symons report and legal e d u c a t i o n . " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18, 1 (January 1977), 13. Sullivan, N. "French-language c o m m o n law program recommended for M o n c t o n . " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18, 2 (February 1977), 6. Sullivan, N. "Speakers agree on need for change in professional e d u c a t i o n . " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18, 1 (January 1977), 8-9. Watson, G. L. " T h e Poverty of sociology in a changing Canadian Society." Can. Jour. Sociology 1, 2 (Fall 1975), 345-62. West, C. " T h e emergence of the nurse practitioner." Canadian Doctor 4 2 ( 1 0 ) , 70-73. G Graduate Studies / Etudes post-universitaire Chalmers, F. G. "The master of fine arts and master of visual art: graduate studio degrees in Canada." CAUT/ACPUBulletin 24, 8 (October 1976), 16-18 H Adult education / Education des adultes Waniewicz I. Demand for part-time learning in Ontario. T o r o n t o , Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1977. 216p. I Admissions / Inscriptions Woodcock, L.. "Restrictions on visa students are increasing." Univ. A f f . I A f f . univ. 18, 1 (January 1977), 2-5. J Evaluation and Grading / Evaluation et classement "Course evaluations: effective student representation demands a knowledge of classroom atmosphere and a t t i t u d e s . " The Student Advocate 1 , 4 (January 1975), 4-5. Marino. C. "Flexible learning." Improving College and University Teaching 24, 3 (Summer 1976), 160-61. L Canadian Studies / Etudes canadiennes D r u m m o n d , I. "Canadian studies at Edinburgh: model or mistake?" CAUT/ACPU (September 1976), 9. Bulletin 24, 7 59 Select Bibliography - Bibliographie choisie Symons, T.H.B. Se connaître; le rapport de la Commission sur les Etudes Canadiennes, vol. 1 et 2. O t t a w a , Ont., Association des Université et Collèges du Canada, 1975. 366p. Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre To Know ourselves. Woodcock, L. "Conference on publishing examines lack of popular culture." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 17, 10 (December 1976), 12. 4 Research and Scholarship / Recherche et études A General / Généralités Faulkner, H. " H o w the federal government is reorganizing the research-fund granting Councils." Science Forum 9(6), 39-40. Hunter, J. E. "Research and occupational t h e r a p y . " Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 43(3), 121-25. B Historical Development / Développement historique Levere, T. H. and Jarrell, R. A. eds. A curious field-book: T o r o n t o , O x f o r d , 1974. 233p. science and society in Canadian history. C Sciences / Sciences Gunning, H. E. " G o v e r n m e n t policies devastating to university research." 24, 7 (September 1976), 48. Larkin, P. "Science and the n o r t h : an essay on aspirations." Science Forum 17-24. CAUT/ACPUBulletin 9, 6 (December 1976), D Humanities and Social Sciences / Humanités et les sciences sociales Social Science Research Council of Canada. Canadian international links in the Social Sciences and Humanities, by Jan J. Loubser . . . Ottawa, Council for the Academic Relations Division, Dept. of External Affairs, 1976. 162p. Social Science Research Council of Canada. Problems of social science research at smaller Canadian universities. Edited by Herman Overgaard. Ottawa, the Council, 1975. 73p. Sullivan, N. "Concordia professor rescues CBC radio drama material." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18, 2 (February 1977), 7. F Libraries / Bibliothèques Ferrington, G. " A list of Canadian subject headings." Canadian Library Journal 33 (October 1976), 457-60. Heilik, H. "Canadian On-Line Enquiry: making the information explosion m o r e manageable." Canadian Library Journal 33 (December 1976), 505-507. Manovill, S. "The 2d. on the Island; refiling at the U.P.E.I, library." Atlantic Provinces Library Association Bulletin 39(4), 91-92. Wilson, I.E. "Canadian University Archives." Archivaria 3 (Winter 1976-1977), 17-27. G Museums and Art Galleries / Galeries d'art et les musées Boulizon, G. Les Musées du Québec. Montréal, F'ides, 1976. 2t. H Learned and Professional Societies / Sociétés savantes et professionnelles Evans, A. M. and Barker, C.A.V. Century one: a history of the Ontario Veterinary Association, 1874-1974. Guelph, available f r o m the authors, 1976. 5 1 6 p . Killan, G. "Preserving Ontario's heritage: a history of the Ontario Historical Society." Ph.D. thesis, McMaster Univ., 1973. 60 5 Hugh L. Smith, Hazel Roberts, Pierre Casno, Robin S. Harris The Student and Student Services / L'étudiant et les services aux étudiants A General / Généralités "Brock University Student Centre, St. Catharines, O n t . " Canadian Architect 21 (6), 48-49. B Political a n d Social I n v o l v e m e n t / E n g a g e m e n t p o l i t i q u e et sociale "Course unions: essential change begins at the departmental level where basic decisions will affect the classroom situation." The Student Advocate 1, 4 (January 1977), 4-5. "November 9th National Student D a y . " The Student Advocate 1, 3 (November 1976), 8. " S t u d e n t s build organization to deal with student related issues at the federal level." The Student Advocate 1 , 4 (January 1977), 8. C Financial Aid / Aide financière "Financial aid to Canadian students falls short of long-term goals and n e e d s . " The Student 1, 3 (November 1976), 4-5. G Advocate External Organizations / Organisation extérieures Patterson, M.E., H o f f m a n , P., Christie, J. and Pollock, D. "Canadian University Service Overseas: its experience in e d u c a t i o n . " Canadian and International Education. 4(2) (December 1975), 25-32. J Scholarly Publications / Revues savantes Association of Canadian University Presses. Values in publishing; observations on the final report of the enquiry into the support of scholarly publication by the Social Science Research Council of Canada and the Humanities Research Council of Canada. T o r o n t o , Ont., 1975. 38p. "International standards and copyright: the protection of translators." Unesco Chronicle 22(6), 171. Neill, R. F. Final report of the enquiry into the support of scholarly publication by the Social Science Research Council of Canada and the Humanities Research Council of Canada. Ottawa, Ont., S.S.R.C., 1975. 37p. 6 The Professor and Conditions of Work / Le Professeur et les conditions de travail B P r o f e s s o r as T e a c h e r / L e P r o f e s s e u r c o m m e e n s e i g n a n t Biehn, J. T.."Characteristics of an effective medical teacher." Canadian Family Physician 1976), 135-6. E 22(October A p p o i n t m e n t s , P r o m o t i o n s and T e n u r e / N o m i n a t i o n s , p r o m o t i o n et p e r m a n e n c e " A d m i t 1 university teacher to an uninterrupted career with a financially secure university, valid for a lifetime." A special report. CAUT/ACPU Bulletin 24, 7 (September 1976), 16-22, 25. " T h e Manitoba response to financial stringency-flexibility." CAUT/ACPU Bulletin 24, 7 (September 1976), 24. "Unfair dismissal at Lakehead." CAUT/ACPU Bulletin 24, 7 (September 1976), 30-33. F Collective Bargaining / Négociations collectives Côté, F. "Première convention collective pour les professeurs de Laval." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18, 2 (February 1977), 5, 7. Côté, F. " A p p u i de plusieurs universités au SPUL." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18, 1 (January 1977), 4. 61 Select Bibliography - Bibliographie choisie Savage, D. "Exigency and the Carleton collective agreement." CAUT/ACPUBulletin 24, 7 (September 1976), 23. Sullivan, N. "Mediation ends in agreement at Laval." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18, 2 (February 1977), 4. Sullivan, N. "Strikes continue at Quebec universities." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18, 1 (January 1977), 5. II - NON-DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS / ETABLISSEMENTS QUI NE CONFERENT PAS DE GRADE 1 General / Généralités "ACCC recognizes student union a u t o n o m y and opposes differential fees." The Student 1,4 (January 1977), 2. Advocate 6 Quebec / Québec Campeau L. " N o t e critique: à propos de l'école des arts et metièrs de Saint J o a c h i m . " d'histoire de l'Amérique française 24, 4 (mars 1976) 567-70. 7 Ontario / Revue l'Ontario Ontario Council of Regents for Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. First Annual Report, April 1, 1975 to March 31, 1976. T o r o n t o , Ministry of Colleges and Universities, 1976. 56p.
- Hugh L. Smith
- Pierre Casno
- Robin S. Harris
- Hazel J. Roberts