Stream alterations and human disturbances over time have reduced salmonid fish populations in Redwood Creek (Marin County, California). A restoration project in fall 2003 sought to increase the number of juvenile fish rearing pools along an 1800-foot reach of Redwood Creek. To evaluate the success of this project, we characterized changes in channel morphology through feature and facies mapping and photo-documentation in a 432-foot sub-reach of the restoration site. Our post-project evaluation found that the installation of large woody debris weir structures was successful in creating pools and increasing the overall habitat complexity of this sub-reach. Our detailed survey map provides a basis for future monitoring at the Redwood Creek restoration site or other sites in need of evaluation.
- AuthorsAlison Purcell, Mike Matz
- Deposited January 3, 2022
- Available January 3, 2022
- ISSN--
- Text Versionqt2j899526.pdf.txt
- PDF Versionqt2j899526.pdf