Inventaire des recherches sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada J.F. Howing et L.F. Michaud * L'Association des Universités et Collèges du Canada a entrepris de recueillir des renseignements sur les recherches en cours sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada. Ces projets feront l'objet d'une chronique régulière de Stoa. Nous les présenterons par sujets à l'aide des rubriques suivantes : Administration universitaire Finances universitaires L'Université et l'économie Programmes d'études et enseignement Enseignement professionnel Inscriptions Évaluation et classement Recherche et étude L'étudiant et les services aux étudiants Le professeur et les conditions de travail Établissements qui ne confèrent pas de grade Pour chaque projet les renseignements se lisent d'après le code suivant : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Titre du projet Buts Méthode Responsable(s) Autres chercheurs Institution où le projet est réalisé Subventionné par Date du début 9. Date de la fin 10. Résultats obtenus de... publiés dans... * J.F. Howing, Research Officer, A.U.C.C. Lucien Michaud, Directeur de la recherche, A.U.C.C. ST OA 46 Administration universitaire 1. University Decision-Making Structures 2. T o adopt the « F r e e m a n » technique of studying community decision-making structures to the study of university decision-making structures. T o identify the social characteristics of decision makers in both formal and informal structures. 3. A list of thirteen decisions, each seen as significant by members of the organization, was generated. A specially designed interview procedure was developed in order to permit the individual to identify both himself and others as participants in making the set of significant decisions. A questionnaire was developed to collect data on social characteristics. 4. W . Alexander J. Farrell 5. J. Dugan 6. Ontario Institute f o r Studies in Education. 7. OISE Co-Ordinator of Research and Development. 8. 1969 9. 1972 10. One paper already published as an Occasional Paper of the Department of Educational Planning, OISE. Further results to be published in forms yet to be decided. Administration universitaire 1. Changes in the Composition of Governing Bodies of Canadian Universities. Colleges and 2. T o investigate and report on changes in the composition of boards of governors and senates of AUCC member institutions between 1965 and 1970. 3. Questionnaire. 4. J.F. Howing L.F. Michaud 5. 6. Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. 7. Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. 8. March 1970 9. April 1972 10. Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. ST OA Finances 47 universitaires 1. Resource Allocations and Forecasting in a University. 2. T o develop a mathematical model to assist university administrators in allocating operating budgets. The extent of dependence of institutional policies on student enrolment forecasts is also examined. 3. A systems analysis of university budget making, including the development of a mathematical model describing the resource allocation process, an algorithm for finding the most suitable allocation policies at the level of the department, faculty and university, and models for forecasting student enrolment. 4. E.D. Porter 6. Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto. 7. National Research Council, Canada Council. 8. 1970 9. 1972 10. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto. L'Université et l'économie 1. Approaches to Planning Development in Post-Secondary Education 2. T o describe and compare current structures for co-ordinating the development of post-secondary education in Canada's ten provinces ; to describe and analyze the approaches to planning development adopted by the co-ordinating agencies in Alberta and Ontario ; to compare approaches in terms of concepts derived f r o m various theoretical sources on planning ; to suggest alternative approaches. 3. Review of existing literature and contacts with officials in government departments and universities ; use of questionnaires and interviews ; analysis of data in terms of appropriate concepts and conceptual models. 4. E. Miklos 5. G.R. Maddocks D. Beckman 6. Department of Educational Administration University of Alberta 48 STO A 7. 8. October 1971 9. August 1972 10. E. Miklos L'Université et l'économie 1. Study of Canadian Science Manpower 2. T o examine the relation between education and employment of scientific manpower. 3. Questionnaires mailed to sample of 900 selected graduates. 4. Archibald D. Boyd Andrew G. Gross 5. 6. Science Council of Canada 7. Science Council of Canada Chemical Institute of Canada Canadian Association of Physicists 8. October 1971 9. Early 1972 10. Science Council of Canada. L'Université et l'économie 1. T h e Economics of Higher Education in Canada 2. T o prepare a book which treats several of the economic aspects of higher education in Canada. 3. Survey and analysis of recent literature and original analyses 4. David A. Stager. 5. 6. Institute of Policy, University of Toronto 7. Canada Council 8. Summer, 1971 9. Fall, 1972 10. ST OA L'Université et 49 l'économie 1. Societal-Community Needs in Alberta and Their Implications for Post-Secondary Education. 2. T o review the societal and community needs of Alberta and then to determine what implications these needs would have for the future of post-secondary education in the province. 3. Primarily through a review of recent « futures » studies in Alberta, some interviewing, and a review of general literature on the future. 4. Dr. P.R. Adams 5. 6. T h e University of Calgary 7. Alberta Colleges Commission 8. October 1971 9. June 1972 10. Dr. P.R. Adams, Department of Educational Administration, T h e University of Calgary L'Université et l'économie 1. Economic Aspects of Part-time University Education in Ontario 2. T o estimate the costs and benefits of part-time degree programmes and to compare those with full-time undergraduate programmes. T o assess the financing arrangements for part-time degree programmes. 3. Questionnaire survey of sample of all students enrolled in extension credit courses in Ontario universities, winter and summer sessions, 1971. Data obtained f r o m questionnaire responses and materials provided by universities. 4. Prof. David Stager 5. John Petch and others. 6. Institute f o r Policy Analysis, University of Toronto 7. Canada Council 8. Summer, 1970 9. Summer, 1972 10. Prof. David A. Stager. STO A 50 Programmes d'études et enseignement 1. Utilisation de la dynamique de groupe, dans l'enseignement de la métallurgie extractive. (Enseignement aux petits groupes 7 à 12 élèves). 2. a) apprendre le plus possible de métallurgie extractive aux élèves ; b) apprendre aux élèves à travailler en groupe et à utiliser le groupe pour apprendre. 3. Des objectifs opérationnels (au sens de R.F. Mager) du cours sont distribués dès le début ainsi que le syllabus de ce qui pourrait être ce cours de métallurgie extractive. Puis les élèves sont mis en demeure de discuter ensemble de la méthodologie à suivre pour atteindre les objectifs fixés et se définir d'autres objectifs à leur guise. En ce faisant ils forment un « T group ». Us apprennent alors les rudiments de la dynamique des groupes : les différents rôles, le leadership, l'animation, l'expertise, l'observation, la participation, les schémas de la communication interpersonnelle. Au bout de 4 à 5 semaines le groupe devient suffisamment homogène pour s'attaquer à la métallurgie extractive proprement dite. Dans les 8 dernières semaines les élèves découvrent le programme qu'ils se sont tracé, en ayant pris soin au préalable d'établir des critères d'évaluation de leur performance individuelle et de groupe. 4. Michel Rigaud 5. Chaque année depuis 3 ans un spécialiste en dynamique de groupe est invité à assister en tant qu'observateur. 6. École Polytechnique 7. As above 8. 1969 9. 1974 10. M. Rigaud — Une conférence sur ce sujet a été présentée au colloque de pédagogie appliquée de l'American Society of Engineering Education, en avril 1970, à l'Université de Sherbrooke. Texte disponible sur demande. Programmes d'études et enseignement 1. Pédagogie universitaire : l'efficacité du séminaire comme méthode d'apprentissage des connaissances et des structures cognitives. 2. Élaboration théorique d'une analyse des méthodes d'enseignement de la sociologie. Ëpistémologie : étude du rapport entre un langage scientifique et le langage utilisé pour le transmettre. 3. Analyse de contenu : étude du langage des enseignants et du phénomène de « reproduction» chez les enseignants. 4. Nicole Gagnon ST OA 51 5. Gilles Houle Claire Chamberland Michel Stein 6. Département de sociologie, Université Laval 7. Ministère de l'Éducation, Québec. 8. Janvier 1971 9. Décembre 1972 10. Nicole Gagnon. Inscriptions 1. An Investigation of Selection Criteria for Admission to an Ontario University. 2. T o examine the traditional methods of selection of applicants for admission to university and to assess critically alternative criteria. 3. Five separate groups of 100 randomly selected students are to be used. Each group is to be admitted on the basis of different criteria, viz. interview, enlarged questionnaire, academic qualifications (school grades), aptitude scores, and a control group. A sixth group of 100 will be made up of students selected by the present admission policy. All six groups will be studied for university success, with the data analyzed statistically by use of factorial designs. 4. Paul Gendreau Gordon Pollock Dick Bowman Lorn a Gendreau 5. Edythe Parkinson Deborah Matteau 6. Trent University 7. Ontario Department of Colleges and Universities 8. March 1971 9. May 1973 10. Évaluation et classement 1. Longitudinal Study of Medical Students and Graduates. 2. T o define models of academic prediction ; to determine factors affecting career choices, to identify traits related to professional competence, to define the psychosocial profile of medical students, to provide a basis f o r curriculum evaluation. ST OA 52 3. A longitudinal study of successive cohorts, f r o m applicants to medical school to career professionals. 4. Dr. A.I. Rothman Dr. J. Parlow Mr. N . Byrne Miss M. Fruen 5. 6. Division of Studies in Medical Education, University of Toronto 7. Department of Health, Province of Ontario 8. September 1967 9. Ongoing. 10. Division of Studies in Medical Education, University of Toronto. Results being published in journal of Medical Education. L'étudiant et les services aux étudiants 1. A n Enquiry into the Educational Experience of Part-Time University Students 2. T o identify and characterize those social and psychological factors which encourage and those which discourage students f r o m continuing with part-time evening studies leading to a first degree. 3. T h e sample consists of all students enrolled in the first year of the evening preuniversity qualifying programme. It is hoped to follow this sample through their university careers. It is also hoped to follow a proportion of drop-outs over the same period of time. 4. Dr. Joti Bhatnagar 5. Several graduate and undergraduate students 6. Sir George Williams University, Montreal 7. Commission de la recherche scientifique, Gouvernement du Québec 8. September 1970 9. August 1975 10. L'étudiant et les services aux étudiants 1. Educational Plans and Aspirations of Ontario High School Students 2. T o obtain answers to questions of the following sort : T o what type(s) of postsecondary education do students aspire ? W h a t sorts of jobs do they want ? H o w STOA 53 much knowledge do they have of the post-secondary educational opportunities available to them ? H o w much do their parents know about these opportunities and about their children's aspirations ? W h a t is the importance of family characteristics and structure to educational aspirations ? 3. A large scale survey by a questionnaire of a sample of 10,000 of Ontario high school students. A sub-sample of the students' parents will be interviewed. 4. John Porter and Bernard R. Blishen. 5. 6. Carleton University and Trent University. 7. Canada Council 8. Autumn, 1970 9. Autumn, 1972 — Spring, 1973 10. Établissements qui ne confèrent pas de grades 1. A National Community College Information System 2. T o describe and analyze the development and operation (testing) of a «National Community College Information System» which will be designed by the author. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Design of an information base. Design of a computerized system for maintaining and recovering data. Critical evaluation of the system after initial testing. Implications and brief proposal for further implementation. 4. H.V. Pollard 5. University of Calgary 6. University of Calgary, Dept. of Educational Administration 7. 8. May, 1971 9. Spring, 1972 10. H. Pollard, Department of Educational Administration University of Calgary, ACCC Établissements qui ne confèrent pas de grades 1. T h e Impact of Community Colleges in British Columbia. 2. A study of Community Colleges in B.C. to determine their impact upon students and society at large. It will examine the kinds of students attending colleges, their progress, the cost of colleges and the affects of colleges upon the labour market. 54 STO A 3. Data will be gathered f r o m every student entering B.C. colleges in 1971. Their socio-economic background, academic achievement, expectations and goals. T h e progress of these students will be followed to determine their success. Data will be gathered on costs of colleges and the view of the community regarding colleges. 4. Dr. J.D. Dennison, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia Mr. A. Tunner, B.C. Research 5. Mr. H.S. Jones, Vancouver C.C. and Dr. J.F. Ellis, S.F.U 6. University of British Columbia 7. Donner Canadian Foundation — Toronto 8. June 1971 9. June 1974 10. Principal investigators.
- J. F. Howing
- L. F. Michaud