Bibliographie choisie sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada Select Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada HAZEL J. ROBERTS*, PIERRE CASNO**, AND ROBIN S. HARRIS*** This bibliography follows the one published in The Canadian Journal of Higher Education (formerly called Stoa), Vol. VI No. 2, pp. 57-63. References are listed as in Robin S. Harris, A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada, Supplement 1971, but the following categories have been added: 2H 3L 4J 6F Cette bibliographie continue celle qui a paru dans La Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur (précédement Stoa) Vol. VI No. 2, pp. 57-63. Les références sont données comme dans Robin S. Harris, Bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada, Supplément 1971. Les catégories suivantes ont été ajoutées. Access to Higher Education / Accès à l'enseignement supérieur Canadian Studies / Etudes canadiennes Scholarly Publication / Revues savantes Collective Bargaining / Négociation collective I - DEGREE GRANTING UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES UNIVERSITES ET COLLEGES QUI CONFERENT DES GRADES 1 History and Organization / Histoire et organisation A General / Généralités Harris, R. S. "Higher education in Australia and Canada: a comparative study." Comparative and International Educational Society of Canada Papers 1970, 13-31 Harris, R. S. A history of higher education in Canada 1663-1960. Toronto, Ont., University of Toronto Press, 1976. 715p. (Studies in the history of higher education in Canada, no. 7) Stokes, L. D. "Canada and an academic refugee from Nazi Germany: the case of Gerhard Herzberg,' Canadian Historical Review 57(2)150-170 *Head Librarian, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. *Faculté des Sciences de l'Education, Université de Montréal. *Higher Education Group, University of Toronto. 80 Hazel J. Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris B The Atlantic Provinces / Les Provinces atlantiques Affleck, R. "Life Sciences Centre, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S." The Canadian Architect 19(2)29-33 The Council of Maritime Premiers. Maritime Provinces Higher Education. First annual report 19741975. Fredericton, N.B. 1975. 66p. Dearborn, D. "U.N.B.'s Saint John Campus is getting it all together. "Atlantic Advocate 65(7)23, 25,26. Gleason, M. "Three Atlantic universities - each c o m m i t t e d to preserving a culture." Univ A f f / Affuniv 17(7)6-8 (Sept. '76) Harvey, M. J. " F e e d b a c k . " The Canadian Architect 19(2)34-36 Morgan, B. " T h e founding of a college" and " 5 0 Years at Memorial." Memorial University of Newfoundland Gazette 7(21)5-9 (Jul. 24 '75) "New Christian University p l a n n e d . " Atlantic Advocate 65(12)59. C The Universities of Quebec / Les Universités du Québec Lauzon, M. "Système informatisé et intégré de la gestion des études a l'Université Laval." Can. Journ. of higher Educ. / Rev. can. d'ens. sup. 6(1)69-88 (1976) Lucier, P. "Théologie et université: les vrais enjeux du débat sur les prêtres laicisés et l'enseignement de la théologie." Relations, 35(409)298-307 (Nov. '75) D The Universities of Ontario / Les Universités de l'Ontario Burn, B. B. "Comparison of four foreign universities: Frieburg, Paris, T o r o n t o , Cambridge," in The University as Organization. Edited by J. A. Perkins. New York, McGraw Hill, 1973. p.79103. DuBois, M. " O t o n o b e e College, Trent University, Peterborough, O n t a r i o . " The Canadian Architect 20(7)20-23 Fiorino, A. F. " T h e philosophical roots of Egerton Ryerson's idea of education as elaborated in his writings preceding and including the report of 1 8 4 6 . " Ph.D thesis, University of T o r o n t o , 1975. Macdonald, H. I. "Installation address [at York University]." York Gazette 5(2)14, 21-22 (Sept. '74) Nicholson, N. L. " T h e evolution of graduate studies in the universities of Ontario, 1 8 4 1 - 1 9 7 1 . " Ed. D. thesis, University of T o r o n t o , 1975. University of Waterloo. "Waterloo program to aid inventors." Canadian Research 9 ( 5 ) 1 2 (Sept/Oct '76) G The Universities of Alberta / Les Universités de l'Alberta Alexander, W. H. "The University of Alberta." Univ. Toronto Monthly 10(1909-1910)16-20 G o r d o n , C. C. " S t . Joseph's College 1 9 2 6 - 1 9 7 6 . " New Trail: the University of Alberta Magazine 31(3)14-16 (Spring '76) Kerr, W.A.R. " T h e University of Alberta." Univ. Toronto Monthly 13(1912-1913)65-76 H The Universities of British Columbia / Les Universités de la Colombie-Britannique " T h e University of British Columbia is taking a series of steps designed to improve conditions for women throughout the university." Association internationale des universités / International Association of Universities 2 4 ( 3 ) 1 8 9 (Aug '76) Woodcock, L. "Winegard Commission recommends SFU assume responsibility for education in the interior." Univ a f f / A f f univ 17(9)24 ( N o v ' 7 6 ) 81 Select Bibliography — Bibliographie choisie 2 Current Trends and Problems / Ornientation et problèmes présents A General / Généralités Alexander, D. "Canadian higher education: A Review of the Graham Royal Commission." Dalhousie Review 55(3)491-504 Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Committee on the Status of Women in the Universities / Association des universités et colleges du Canada. Comité sur la situation de la f e m m e dans les universités. Report on the progress made by AUCC member institutions regarding the status of women / Rapport sur le progress réalisé par les établissements membres de l'AUCC en ce qui a trait à la situation de la femme. Ottawa, Ont., 1976. 38p. Hedgecock, J. K. "Does anyone ever talk constructively a b o u t the campus b o o k s t o r e ? " Univ a f f / A f f univ 17(8)9 (Oct '76) Woodcock, L. "Canadians may have to start mining politics and education, says OECD r e p o r t . " Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(7)5, 8 (Sept '76) B University government / Administration universitaire Woodcock, L. "Senior administrators f o u n d summer course rewarding." Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(9)5 (Nov '76) C University finance / Finances universitaires Morf, M. " S t u d e n t services group examines 'higher education in a u s t e r i t y . ' " Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(8)8 (Oct '76) Prakash, B. " T h e demand for and financing of higher education in Canada." Ph.D. thesis University of T o r o n t o , 1976. "Tuition fees continue to rise despite nation-wide criticism and dissent." The Student Advocate 1(2)4-5 (Oct '76) D The University and the State / L'Université et l'Etat Côté, F. "La proposition fédérale et la réaction de l'AUCC." Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(7)4 (Sept '76) Hitschfeld, W. "Reflections on federal research support to universities." Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(9)11 (Nov '76) Holdaway, E. A. "Federal initiatives in education in Australia; have they implications for Canada?" Education Canada 16(3)4-13 (Fall '76) Oliver, P. " G o v e r n m e n t , industry and science in Ontario: the case of the Ontario Research Founda t i o n , " in Public and Private Persons: the Ontario Political Culture, 1914-1974. T o r o n t o , Ont., Clarke Irwin, 1975. p. 156-178. Sullivan, N., and Woodcock, L. "Federal government proposes new financing o p t i o n s . " Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(7)2-3 (Sept '76) F The University and the Economy / L'Université et l'Economie Franklin, M. "Collaboration between industry and universities could streamline Canadian technology." Science Forum 9(5)12-15 (Oct '76) G University Planning / La planification universitaire Trotter, B., and Carrothers, A.W.R .Planning for planning. A.U.C.C., Ottawa, 1974. 84p. 82 3 Hazel J. Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris Curriculum C and Teaching / Programme d'étude et méthodes d'enseignement The Humanities / Les H u m a n i t é s Gleason, M., and Morrison, M. " H o w to take a folklore degree." Atlantic Advocate 65(6)36-37 Margeson, J. "Establishing the British Association of Canadian Studies - a stimulating meeting." Univ A f f / A f f u n i v 17(8)3 (Oct '76) Symons, H. B. To know ourselves: the report of the Commission on Canadian Studies. Ottawa, Ont., Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, 1975. 115p. E M a t h e m a t i c s a n d t h e S c i e n c e s / M a t h é m a t i q u e s e t les S c i e n c e s Beltzner, K. P., Coleman, A. J., and Edwards, G. D. Mathematical sciences in Canada. Ottawa, Ont., Science Council of Canada, 1976. 339p. Woodcock, L. "Mathematics d e p a r t m e n t s follow old patterns, fail to meet t o d a y ' s needs Science Council study says." Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(8)2 (Oct '76) F Professional Education / Enseignement professionnel Architecture / Architecture Collins, P.(et al). "McGill." The Canadian Architect 20(4)49-51 Council of Ontario Universites. Commoditie, firmenes, and delight: a study of architectural education in Ontario. T o r o n t o , Ont., 1976 LeMoyen, R.E. (et al). "McGill." The Canadian Architect 20(5)49-51 Schoenaver, N. "McGill." The Canadian Architect 20(3)46-51 Harvey, C. "Why a course entitled legal institutions?" Manitoba Law Journal 4 ( 1 ) 2 0 1 - 2 0 3 (1970/71) Professional Education / Enseignement professionnel Law / Droit Macdonald, R. St. J. "An historical introduction to the teaching of international law in Canada." Canadian Yearbook of International Law 1974, 67-110. Library Science / Bibliothéconomie Horrocks, N. "Continuing education - an update on the Dalhousie School of Library Service's activities." Atlantic Provinces Library Association Bulletin 39(1)14-15 (Spring, 1975) Reed, S.R. "S.L.S. report on the Class of 1 9 7 1 . " Saskatchewan Library 24(1)17-19 (Dec 1970) Medicine / Médecine McCreary, J. F. "Medical education at risk." B.C. Medical Journal 12(7)167, 169 (July, 1970) The M.D. Programme / Doctorat en médecine Boulanger, J. B. "A Behavioural Science Course in the first year of Medical School." Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 15(6)577-80 (Dec 1970) Hennen, B. "Preparing for p r e c e p t o r s h i p . " Canadian Family Physician 17(12)90-91 (Dec. 1971) McCavley, R. G. " A College preceptorship p r o g r a m . " Canadian Family Physician 17(5)78-80 (May, 1971) McQuigge, M.S. " T h e new program: on looking b a c k . " The Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 51(1)4-5 (Feb. 1972) I n t e r n s h i p a n d R e s i d e n c e / I n t e r n a t et r é s i d e n c e Robinson, S.C. " L e t ' s get rid of the intern." Canadian Medical Association 318, 320 (Feb. 19, 1972) Journal 106(4)317, 83 Select Bibliography — Bibliographie choisie Specialization / Spécialités Brown, D. C. "Dalhousie's Family Medicine Centre." The Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 173 (Dec. 1972) 52:171- Continuing Education / Education permanente Clark, M. R. "Prospectives in continuing medical education for Maritime Physicians." The Nova Scotia Medical Bulletin 53:57-59 (April, 1973) Hazlett, C. B., Bachynski, J. E., and Embleton, J. "Evaluation of on-campus continuing medical education programs in Alberta." Canadian Medical Association Journal 1 0 8 ( 1 0 ) 1 2 8 2 , 1284, 1287 (May 9, 1973) Nursing / Nursing Angus, M. Kingston General Hospital: a Social and Intellectual History. Montreal, Quebec, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1973. Hall, O., Baumgart, A. and Stinson, S. "Specialization in nursing - where? when? h o w ? " The Canadian Nurse 68(5)39-42 (May, 1972) Kergin, D. J. (et al). "Changing nursing practice through e d u c a t i o n . " The Canadian Nurse 69(4) 28-31 (April, 1973) Morgan, D. M. "New technology creates a need for specialized training for graduate nurses." Canadian Hospital 4 9 ( 8 ) 4 8 , 50 (Aug. 1972) Morgan, D. M. "Three post-diploma courses in intensive care nursing." Canadian Hospital 49(8) 44-48 (Aug. 1972) Spitzer, W.O., and Kergin, D.J. "Nurse practitioners in primary care. 1. The McMaster University educational p r o g r a m m e . " Canadian Medical Association Journal 108(8)991-995 (April 21, 1973) Pharmacy / Pharmacie O'Mara, J. J. "Developments in pharmacy education in N e w f o u n d l a n d . " Canadian Journal 104(9)15-17 (Sept. 1971) Pharmaceutical Physical and Occupational Therapy / Thérapeutique physique et professionnelle Berger, B. " N e e d e d : university training for rehabilitation counsellors." Canada's Mental Health 18(5)26-28 (Sept. / Oct. 1970) Trider, M. " T h e f u t u r e of occupational t h e r a p y . " Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 39(1)3-8 (Spring, 1972) Teacher Training and Education / Formation des enseignants et enseignement Barnett, D. C. " T h e emergence of new concepts for teacher education field experience." Interchange 6(1)44-48 Dienes, J. " T h e Winnipeg Centre Project: teacher education for inner city p e o p l e . " Interchange 4(2-3)106-110 ( 1 9 7 3 ) Ellis, J. F. "Crisis in teacher training: storm warning." Queen's Quarterly 83(2)285-290 Reid, R. M. "Accessibility characteristics in individualizing teacher education programs: acquisistion of basic teaching skills." Ph.D. thesis, University of T o r o n t o , 1975. Russell, T. L. " O n the provision made for development of views of science and teaching by science teacher e d u c a t i o n . " Ph.D. thesis, University of T o r o n t o , 1976. Tiberius, R. G. " A n interactive approach to education for independence in f o u r t h year medical students." Ph.D. thesis, University of T o r o n t o , 1975. 84 Hazel J. Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris Veterinary Medicine / Médecine vétérinaire Mullen, P.A., Loew, F.M., and Fraser, C.M. "Correlative medicine - a new element in veterinary e d u c a t i o n . " The Canadian Veterinary Journal 12(9)177-179 (Sept. 1971) G Graduate Studies / Etudes post-universitaires Conacher, J. B. " G r a d u a t e studies in Canada: the growth of doctoral programmes." Canadian Historical Association Historical Papers 1975. 1-15 Gualtieri, A. R. "Nationalism and Canadian graduate schools." Canadian Dimension 10(7)17 (March, 1975) Sullivan, N. "Post-doctoral people - the invisible p r o b l e m . " Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(9)4 (Nov. '76) H Adult Education / Education des adultes Blyth, J. A. A foundling at Varsity: a history of the Division of University Extension. Toronto, Ont., School of Continuing Studies, Univ. of T o r o n t o , 1976. "Continuing education group warned a b o u t sterile and time-wasting courses." Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(7)28 (Sept. '76) Daoust, G. et Bélanger, P. L'Université dans une société educative: de l'éducation des adultes à l'éducation permanente. Montréal, Québec, Presses de l'Université de Montréal 244p. Josse, M. "Auto-éducation des adultes en milieux populaires." Convergence 7(4)24-33 I Admissions / Inscriptions Collishaw, N. E., and Grainger, R. M. "The process of selecting students at Canadian medical schools, 1969-70." Canadian Medical Association Journal 105(10)1083-1086 (Nov. 1971) MacCannell, K. L. "Calgary University's new approach to admitting medical s t u d e n t s . " Canadian Family Physician 17(6)35-37, 39 (June, 1971) J Evaluation and Grading / Evaluation et classement Kaplan, M. L. "A view of the experience of being accredited at the University of Windsor." Ontario Psychologist 6 ( 5 ) 3 8 4 0 (Dec. 1974) 4 Research and Scholarship / Recherche et études A General / Généralités Moriaty, D., and Duthie, J. "Sports Institute for Research / Change Agent Research - SIR / C A R . " Capher Journal 40(4)21-23, 33-36 (Mar. / April, 1974) C In the Sciences / Sciences Babbitt, J. D. "Science policy as ideology: the collectivization and socialization of research." Canadian Research 9(4)22-25, 28-29 (Jul. / Aug. '76) Holmes, E. L. "Putting research to work on real life problems." Canadian Business 43(11)72-74, 80 (Nov. 1970) D In the Humanities and Social Sciences / Humanités et les sciences sociales Berger, C. The writing of Canadian history: aspects of English-Canadian 1970. Toronto, Ont., Oxford University Press. 1976 historical writing: 1900- 89 Select Bibliography — Bibliographie choisie E In Education / Enseignement Churchill, S. "Restructuring education R and D in O n t a r i o . " Interchange 6(1)49-64 Nadeau, G.G. "Unité de recherche et développement en é d u c a t i o n . " Revue des Sciences de l'éducation, 2(2)107-135 (1976) Bosa, R. "Pour une vision globale du développement des services de bibliothèques et documenta t i o n . " Documentation et bibliothèques, 22(2)123-129 (Sept '76) Cloutier, J. "L'audio-visuel à l'université." Prospectives, 11(1)24-27 (Feb '75) Fink, N. " D o c u m e n t a t i o n et information en milieu scolaire." Documentation et bibliothèques, 22(2)131-136 (Sept. '76) F Libraries / Bibliothèques Kaye, R. G. " A brief history of the Wilson Recordings Collection in the U.B.C. Library." British Columbia Library Quarterly 36(2 and 3)33-35 (Oct. / Jan. 1 9 7 2 / 1 9 7 3 ) LeBlanc, J. "Coopérer . . . ou périr?" Documentation et bibliothèques 22(2)113-122 (Sept. '76) Reicher, D. " L ' i n f o r m a t i o n documentaire peut-elle se m e t t r e au diapason de l'âge du easer?" Documentation et bibliothèques, 22(3)107-1 12 (Sept. '76) Riddell, W. A. "Library development in the prairie universities." Library Association of Alberta Bulletin 1(2)39 (Oct. 1969) Sullivan, N. "When is a 'rare b o o k ' not a rare book? - 2; a look at university collections." Univ A f f / A f f u n i v 17(8)4-7 (Oct '76) "Twelve years of experiment, looking forward to twelve m o r e . " British Columbia Library Quarterly 37(1 and 2)17-24 ( S u m m e r / A u t u m n 1973) Verhya, W. "Ukrainian at the University of T o r o n t o Library." Canadian Slavonic Papers 14(2) 345-349 (1972) Wilson, I. E. " S h o r t t and Doughty: the cultural role of the Public Archives of Canada, 1904-1935," Canadian Archivist 2(4)4-25 (1973) G Museums and Art Galleries / Galeries d'Art et les musées "Dalhousie University Arts Centre." Atlantic Advocate 62(5)34-35, 38 (Jan. 1972) Dow, H. M. " M o u n t Allison's Owens Museum: A look at 19th Century values." Arts 21(2)76-79 (Mar. / April 1964) J Canada Scholarly publication / Revues savantes R o t b r o c k , J. " A room of its own: the University of Alberta Press." New Trail: of Alberta Magazine 31(3)2-3 (Sp. '76) The Student and Student Services / L'Etudiant et les services aux The University étudiants A General / Généralités Clifton, R. A. " T h e socialization of graduate students in the social and natural sciences." Ph.D. thesis, University of T o r o n t o , 1976. Crookshanks, J. D., and Herman, A. "Predictors of success and status of college s t u d e n t s . " Canadian Counsellor 9:119-125 F r u m , B. "Class of 7 1 . " Macleans 84(6)19-21 62-64 (June, 1971) Gleason, T. (et al). "Apparition d'une troisième culture, manifestation d ' u n e vue d'ensemble de m o n d e chez les étudiants sous gradués francophones et anglophones au Nouveau Brunswick." Canadian and International Education 3(2)24-38 Keyes, S. " E t u d i a n t e f r a n c o p h o n e a l ' I n s t i t u t . " Orbit 5(4)18-19 (Oct. 1974) Mehra, N. " R e t e n t i o n and withdrawal of university students." The Canadian Administrator 14(2)1 (Nov. 1974) 86 Hazel J. Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris 'November 9th is National Student D a y . " The Student Advocate 1(2)8 (Oct. '76) "Senate report discards Program." The Student Advocate 1(2)1 (Oct. '76) Taylor, H. "Opinions on marijuana: sex differences at a Western Canadian university." Canadian Counsellor 6(2)116-119 (Apr. 1972) B Political and Social Involvement " S t u d e n t s withdraw f r o m AUCC." The Student Advocate 1(1)1-2 (Sept. '76) D Housing I Logement Skaggs, C. T. "Place of residence and its role in the development of college s t u d e n t . " Canadian Counsellor 6(1)58-61 (Jan. '72) F Placement / Emploi " E m p l o y m e n t : a necessary part of e d u c a t i o n . " The Student Advocate 1(1)4 (Sept '76) Farine, A. "Aspects de l'expérience universitaire et de la carrière professionnelle des étudiants: les diplômés et les étudiants qui ont abandonné leurs études pour 1973-74 à l'Université de Montréal, en sciences pures et en sciences humaines. Montréal, Faculté des sciences de l'éducation, Université de Montréal, 1975 280p. Farine, A. " A t t i t u d e s de travail des diplômés universitaires." Canadian and International Education 4(1)42-54 Farine, A. " L e s diplômés en sciences de l'éducation: étude sur la concordance entre l'emploi et la formation universitaire. Faculté des sciences de l'éducation, Université de Montréal, 1975 145p. Farine, A., en collaboration avec P.P. Proulx. " L e s diplômés de l'Université de Montréal sur le marché du travail. Montréal, Que., 1974 223p. Harvey, E. B., and Charner, I. "Social mobility and occupational attainments of university graduates." The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 12(2)134-149. A New Graduate. "What now? The voice of t h e Seventies." British Columbia Library Quarterly 37(1/2)31-33 ( S u m m e r / A u t u m n 1973) Shore, B. M. et Strauss, E. "What happens to graduate education graduates?" McGill Journal of Education 10(2)169-174 " S t u d e n t leaders predict worst summer in student e m p l o y m e n t h i s t o r y . " The Student Advocate 1(1)1 ( S e p t ' 7 6 ) Walker, J. M. "What have they done? or a survey of the graduates of the bachelor of physical therapy degree (B.P.T.) program, School of Medical Rehabilitation, University of Manitoba." Canadian Physiotherapy Association Journal 24(1)31 (Feb. 1972) 6 The Professor and Conditions of Work / Le Professeur et les conditions de travail B Professor as Teacher / Le Professeur comme enseignant McPhail, F. J. "Use of part-time teacher benefits students and f a c u l t y . " The Canadian Nurse 66(7)36-37 (1970) Smylie, H. " F r o m nurse-teacher to audio-visual advisor." The Canadian Nurse 68(10)29-31 ' (Oct. 1972) C Academic Freedom / Libertés universitaires Hanley, C. M. "Problems of academic freedom in Canada," in Universities Edited by P. Seabury. New York, N.Y., Free Press, 1975 p. 157-75. in the Western World. 87 Select Bibliography — Bibliographie choisie F Collective Bargaining /Négociation collective Côté F. "C'est la structure du pouvoir à l'université qui est en cause . . . " Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(9)3 (Nov '76) Hartman, J. B. "Collective bargaining in the University." Interchange 6(1)3243 Sullivan, N. "Goldenberg renders arbitration decision - Manitoba." Univ A f f I A f f univ 17(9)6 (Nov '76) Sullivan, N. "Strike of Laval professors is in sixth w e e k . " Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(9)2 (Nov '76) II - NON-DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS ETABLISSEMENTS QUI NE CONFERENT PAS DE GRADE 1 General / Généralités Garrison, R. H. "What's different a b o u t c o m m u n i t y college teaching." The Canadian Nurse 68(1)30-32 (Jan. 1972) Spensley, P. "National Theatre S c h o o l P e r f o r m i n g Arts in Canada 9(1)10-14 (Spring, 1972) 6 Quebec / Québec Angers, P. "Le Collège": un rapport audacieux et réfléchi. Le R a p p o r t Nadeau. Relations 35(410) 327-332 (Dec. '75) "Au cégep Vanier: kaléidoscope un nouveau cadre d'apprentissage."Prospectives 12(2)75-81 (Aug '76) " A u cégep du Vieux Montréal: l'expérience du Multi." Prospectives 12(2)83-93 (Au '76) Aylwin, U. "Les universités et la formation des m a î t r e s . " Prospectives 10(2)93-102 (Au '74) Boily, C and Asselin, P. "Régionalisation des collèges au Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean: un nouveau d é p a r t . " Prospectives 11(5)271-274 (Dec. '75) Bordeleau, P. " A u cégep de Maison-neuve: les leçons d'un échec.: Prospectives 12(2)100-104 (Au '76) Brent Ritchie, J. R. & Fortin, P. A. "Les concepts du marketing dans le développement de l'éducation postsecondaire." Prospeci/Ves 11(5)279-291 (Dec. '75) Carrier, H. "Une ère nouvelle de l'éducation: la formation p e r m a n e n t e . " Relations 36(418) 240-246 (S. '76) Côté, F. "Les CEGEPs, le meilleur concept de t o u t le Canada actuellement . . ." Univ A f f / A f f univ 17(7)13-14 (S. '76) Daoust, G. and Bélanger, P. "Les pratiques universitaires de p e r f e c t i o n n e m e n t des maîtres et le rapport université-milieu." Prospectives 10(2)81-85 (Au '74) Daoust, J. " D e quelques équivoques bien cultivées." Prospectives 11(4)209-214 (Oct '75) DeRive, A. "Le collège et les réalités de l ' é d u c a t i o n . " Prospectives 11(4)253-256 (Oct '75) Ducharme, C. "Le collège d'enseignement professionnel et utilitaire ou c e p e u . " Prospectives 11(4)197-201 (Oct '75) Dufresne, J. "Le temps perdu à la recherche." Prospectives 12(2)115-119 (Au. '76) Fate, N. D. and Couture, Y. "Objectivité et subjectivité en science et en morale." Prospectives 12(1)5-14 (Je '76) Gadbois, L. " L ' é l é m e n t " é t u d i a n t s " dans l'évaluation institutionnelle." Prospectives 11(1)39-44 (Fe '75) Gagnon, M. "Disparue dequis Gutenberg, la formation pédagogique de l'universitaire réapparaît." Prospectives 10(2)133-140 (Au. '74) Gariépy, W. " L ' a u t o n o m i e du collège." Prospectives 11(4)175-178 (Oct '75) 88 Hazel J. Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris Greenberg, A. et des autres. " A u CEGEP Vanier Kaléidoscope un nouveau cadre d'apprentissage." Prospectives 12(2)75-81 Laberge, P.E. et R a y m o n d , R. " A u cégep de Rimouski: l'étude des sciences humaines dans un programme de techniques infirmières. Prospectives 12(2)95-99 (Au. '76) Leibu, Y. "Aspects éducatifs et sociaux de la formation professionnelle de niveua collégial." Prospectives 10(3)178-186 (Ju. '74) Le R o u x , J. et Campeau, D. "Un nouveau m o d e d'intervention éducative auprès des adultes au niveau collégial: la formation sur m e s u r e . " Prospectives 11(5)293-302 (Dec. '75) Longtin, J. et Masse, J. "Une approche systémique de l'enseignement au niveau collégial. L'enseignement télévisé modulaire." Prospectives 11(1)15-22 (Fev. '75) Loriot, G. et Quang Ba, T. "L'enseignement de la science politique dans les collèges du Québec. Prospectives 10(3)187-196 (Ju.'74) Lucier, P. "Le Collège": des visées prospectives à déployer. Le R a p p o r t Nadeau. Relations 35(410) 333-338 (Dec. '75) Marquis, J. " A u cégep de Rimouski: une étude du milieu suivant une pédagogie interdisciplinaire." Prospectives 12(2)67-73 (Au. '76) Monette, G. " A u CEGEP du Vieux Montréal l'expérience du multi. 1. Historique et structure fonctionnelle. Prospectives 12(2)83-87 Morand, J. " A u cégep de Limoilou: Accréditation d'activités d'apprentissage hors cours.Prospectives 12(2)110-114 (Au. '76) Ouellet, F. "Les finalités éducatives de l'étude des religions au secondaire et au collégial: questions préalables. Prospectives 10(3)161-166 (Ju. '74) Ruest, M. "L'enseignement professionnel au cégep d'un rapport à l ' a u t r e . " Relations 35(409) 308-311 (Nov. '75) Ruest, M. "Les conditions d'une éducation p e r m a n e n t e . " Relations 3 6 ( 4 1 8 ) 2 4 6 - 2 4 8 (Sep. '76) Sondak, R. " A u cégep de Saint-Jean: Une expérience pilote en techniques de fabrication mécaniq u e . " Prospectives 12(2)105-109 (Au. '76) Souline, V. "Les tristes conséquences de l'enseignement des mathématiques au secondaire." Prospectives 12(1)50-53 (Fev. '76) Trudel, A. "Le cégep et le choc du f u t u r . " Prospectives 11(4)171-174 (Oct.'75) 7 Ontario Desroches, J. J. "The concepts of and determinants of job satisfaction: an exploratory study in the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology in O n t a r i o . " Ph.D. thesis, University of T o r o n t o , 1976 Fleming, M. and Taylor, J. R. 100 Years: Evolution of the Ontario College of Art T o r o n t o , Ont., Art Gallery of Ontario, 1976. Grube, J. "Why should 1 send my kids to O.C.A.?" Orbit 6(2)16-19 (April 1975) Ingleson, A. M. "Centennial College of Applied Arts and T e c h n o l o g y . " The Canadian Architect 19(8)49-52 8 Manitoba Curtis, D. W. "Counselling in a Manitoba c o m m u n i t y college." Canadian Counsellor (June 1974) 8(3)152-155 11 British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique Dennison, J. D., and Turner, A. The impact of community colleges: a study of the college cept in British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C. Research, 1975. 184p. con- Select Bibliography - Bibliographie choisie III - MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL "MRC working group on human e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n . " MRC/CRMNewsletter/Actualités " T w o MRC grants competitions a year." MRC/CRM Newsletter/Actualités 6(4)2 6(4)4-5
- Hazel J. Roberts
- Pierre Casno
- Robin Harris