Bibliographie choisie sur l'enseignement supérieur au Canada Select Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada HUGH L. SMITH*, HAZEL ROBERTS**, PIERRE C A S N O f , ROBIN S. H A R R I S f t This bibliography follows the one published in The Canadian Journal of Higher Education (formerly called Stoa), Vol. VII, No. 2, 1977, pp. 53-56. References are listed as in Robin S. Harris, A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada, Supplement 1971, but the following categories have been added: 2H 3L 4J 6E 6F Cette bibliographie continue celle qui a paru dans La Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur (précédemment Stoa), Vol. VII, no. 2, pp. 53-56. Les références sont données comme dans Robin S. Harris, Bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada, Supplément 1971. Les catégories suivantes ont été ajoutées: Access to Higher Education / Accès à l'enseignement supérieur Canadian Studies / Etudes canadiennes Scholarly Publications / Revues savantes Appointments, Promotions and Tenure / Nominations, promotion et permanence Collective Gragaining / Négociations collectives I - DEGREE-GRANTING UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES / UNIVERSITES ET COLLEGES QUI CONFERENT DES GRADES 1 History and Organization / Histoire et organisation A General / Généralités Masters, D.C. " T h e Scottish tradition in higher e d u c a t i o n " , in The Scottish tradition in Canada. Edited by W.S. Reid, T o r o n t o , McClelland and Stewart, 1976. p. 248-272. Patry, Robert. Survey of programmes of cooperation established between Canadian universities and foreign institutions / Enquête sur les programmes de coopération établis entre les •"Librarian, Erindale College, University of T o r o n t o . **Head Librarian Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. f F a c u l t é des Sciences de l'Education, Université de Montréal. t t H i g h e r Education Group, University of T o r o n t o 86 Hugh L. Smith, Hazel Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris universités canadiennes et les établissements étrangers, 1976. Ottawa, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada / Association des Universités et Collèges du Canada, 1977. 146 p. Sullivan, N. "To-day's patrons of the arts are universities and colleges." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July 1977) 2-3. B The Atlantic Provinces / Les Provinces atlantiques " M o n c t o n students call for safeguarding French character of university." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 5 (May 1977) 9. C The Universities of Quebec / Les Universités du Québec Côté, F. "La grève du SPUL: des gains chèrement acquis." Univ. A f f . I A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July 1977) 7, 16. Côté, F. "Jean-Guy Paquet devient le plus jeune recteur de Laval." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 5 (May 1977) 7. Lapointe, Serge. "La planification sectorielle: l'Opération sciences f o n d a m e n t a l e s . " Can. Journ. of Higher Edue. / Rev. can. d'ens sup. 6, 3 (1976) 43-49. Sullivan, N. "Laval strike - students are the 'big losers'." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July 1977) 6,17. Sullivan, N. " P a t h back to work at UQAM n o t s m o o t h . " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 18 (April 1977) 6, 16. " U n e 'université régionale de la santé' pour l'est du Québec a été proposé." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July 1977) 12. D The Universities of Ontario / Les Universités de l'Ontario Forward, D. A history of botany in the University of Toronto. T o r o n t o , Department of Botany, University of T o r o n t o , 1977. 97 p. Hodgetts, J.E. "Where Victoria evermore shall stand", in Victorian Cobourg: a nineteenth century profile. Edited by J. Petryshyn. Belleville, Mika Publishing Co., 1976. p. 221-35. Meikle, W.D. " A n d gladly teach: G.M. Wrong and the Department of History at t h e University of T o r o n t o . " Unpublished Ph.d. thesis, Michigan State University, 1977. Scollard, R. J., comp. Footprints in the sand of Clover Hill: anniversaires, and notable events in the history of St. Michael's College 1852-1977. T o r o n t o , St. Michael's College, 1977. 55 p. Smith, Richard. "Ontario university system financing and staffing policies: a quantitative model for policy analysis." Can. Journ. of Higher Educ. / Rev. can. d'ens. sup. 6 , 3 (1976) 51-72. T o r o n t o . University. School of Graduate Studies. University of Toronto Doctoral Theses, 196875: a bibliography. T o r o n t o , University of T o r o n t o Press, 1977. 166 p. Wasteneys, H.C.F. " A History of the University Settlement of T o r o n t o , 1910-1958: an exploration of the social objectives of the University Settlement and of their i m p l e m e n t a t i o n . " Unpublished D.S.W. thesis, University of T o r o n t o , 1975. G The Universities of Alberta / Les Universités de l'Alberta Lowe, R. "Growing pains at Athabasca University." CAUT / ACPU Bui. 25, 3 (April 1977) 5. 2 Current Trends and Problems / Orientation et problèmes présents A General / Généralités Burch, Robert. "Jasper's concept of the university." Can. Journ. of Higher Educ. / Rev. can. d'ens. sup. 6, 3 (1976) 13-41. Vickers, J.M., and Adam, J. But can you type? Canadian universities and the status of women. T o r o n t o , Clarke Irwin, 1977. 142 p. 87 Hugh L. Smith, Hazel Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris B University G o v e r n m e n t / Administration universitaire McDougall, W.J., ed. The role of the voluntary trustee. London, Ont., University of Western Ontario, 1976. 145 p. Woodcock, L. "Planning: you may n o t like it b u t it's good for y o u . " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July 1977) 4, 17. C University Finance / Finances universitaires Zur-Muehlen, Max von. " T h e new 'crisis' of Canadian universities." Ottawa, Statistics Branch, Statistics Canada, 1976. 4 8 p. Typescript of Second draft. D T h e University and the State / L'Université et l'Etat Zur-Muehlen, Max von. The foreign student issues in 1976-1977. International Education, 1977. 143 p. Ottawa, Canadian Bureau for G University Planning / La planification universitaire. Lapointe, Serge. " L a planification sectorielle: l'Opération sciences f o n d a m e n t a l e s . " Can. Journ. of Higher Educ. I Rev. can. d'ens sup. 6, 3 (1976) 43-49. Smith, Richard. " O n t a r i o university system financing and staffing policies: a quantitative model for policy analysis." Can. Journ. of Higher Educ. / Rev. can. d'ens. sup. 6, 3 (1976) 51-72. Zsigmond, Z., Picot, G., Devereaux, M.S., and Clark, W. Future trends in enrolment and manpower supply in Ontario. Ottawa, Statistics Canada, 1976. 302 p. H Access to Higher E d u c a t i o n / Accès ¿l'enseignement supérieur Davis, J.T., Jansen, C., and Olson, T.W. Factors influencing student enrolment, performance and experience at York University. T o r o n t o , Office of Research Administration, York University, 1977, 141 p. in 3 V. Quelques caracéristiques des étudiants du niveau post secondaire au Canada. Ottawa, Secrétariat d'état, 1976. 91 p. Some Characteristics of Post-Secondary Students in Canada. Ottawa, Department of the Secretary of State, 1976. 91 p. 3 Curriculum C and Teaching / Programme d'étude et méthodes The Humanities / Les Humanités Hanham, H.J. "Canadian history in the 1970's." Can. Historical Review. 58, 1 (March 1977). 2-22. Meikle, W.D. " A n d gladly teach: G.M. Wrong and the D e p a r t m e n t of History at t h e University of T o r o n t o . " Unpublished Ph.d. thesis, Michigan State University, 1977. Priestly, F.E.L. and Kerpneck, H.I. Report of The Commission on Undergraduate Studies in English in Canadian Universities. T o r o n t o , Association of Canadian University Teachers of English, 1976. I l l p. E M a t h e m a t i c s a n d t h e S c i e n c e s / M a t h é m a t i q u e s e t les s c i e n c e s Allin, E.J. "Physics at t h e University of T o r o n t o 1907 t o 1 9 7 7 . " Physics in Canada. 33, 2 (1977), 26-31. Forward, D. A history of botany in the University of Toronto. T o r o n t o , Department of Botany, University of T o r o n t o , 1977. 97 p. Jarrell, R.A. "Why do many Canadians know nothing of Canadian science?" Science Forum. 10, 2 (April 1977), 23-26. 88 Hugh L. Smith, Hazel Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris F Professional Education / Enseignement professionel Anderson, R.N. " T r e n d s in teacher e d u c a t i o n . " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 5 (May, 1977), 8. Cosbie, W.G. The Toronto General Hospital 1819 - 1965: a chronicle. T o r o n t o , Macmillan, 1975. 373 p. "Luring Ph.d.'s into industry." Canadian Research. 10, 2 (March/April, 1977), 5. Moir, J.S. Enduring witness: a history of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. T o r o n t o , Presbyterian Publication, 1974. " U n e 'université régionale de la santé' pour l'est du Québec a été proposé." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July, 1977), 12. H Adult Education / Education des adultes Barbeau, Maurice. "Regard sur l'évolution de l'éducation permanente dans les universités du Q u é b e c . " Can. Journ. of Higher Educ. / Rev. can. d'ens. sup. 6, 3 (1976), 73-77. J Evaluation and Grading / Evaluation et classement Aubin, Gabriel et Girard, Mathieu. Recherche prévisionnelle sur l'enseignement collégial au Québec. Montréal, CADRE, 1974. 102 p. Leibu, Ygal. " L a qualité de l'enseignement universitaire: essai d'approche systématique." Can. Journ. of Higher Educ. /Rev. can. d'ens. sup. 6, 3 (1976), 1-11. 4 Research and Scholarship / Recherche et études A General / Généralités Cinman, I. "Size of f u t u r e grants for research real evidence of lobby strength." CAUT Bulletin ACPU. 25, 1 (January, 1977), 3. T o r o n t o . University. School of Graduate Studies. University of Toronto Doctoral Theses, 196875: a bibliography. T o r o n t o , University of T o r o n t o Press, 1977. 166 p. B Historical Development / Développement historique "Legislation for granting councils / Législation des conseils subventionnaires." Medical Research Council Newsletter / Actualités Conseil de recherches médicales. 7, 2 (January, 1977), 1. C In the Sciences / Sciences Patterson, G o r d o n N. Pathway to excellence. T o r o n t o , Institute for Aerospace Studies, 1977. 199 p. " U p d a t e on recombinant DNA / L'actualité de la recombinaison de l ' A D N . " Medical Research Council Newsletter j Actualités Conseil de recherches médicales. 7, 3 (April/avril, 1977), 1-3. Young, E. Gordon. The development of biochemistry in Canada. T o r o n t o , University of T o r o n t o Press, 1976. D In the Humanities and Social Sciences / Humanités et les sciences sociales Clarkson, S. "Socking it to the scholars: the First National Conference of the Social Science Research Council of Canada." Queen's Quarterly. 83, 4 (Winter, 1976), 547-555. F Libraries and Archives / Bibliothèques et les archives Archer, J o h n Hall. " A study of archival institutions in Canada." Unpublished Ph.d. thesis, Queen's University, 1969. Clauser, Michel. "Les archives universitaires et le rapport Deschênes." Archives: Revue de l'Association des Archivistes du Québec. 70, 1 (janvier/juin, 1970). 74-77. L a m o n d e , Yvan. "Les archives de l'Institut canadien de Montréal, 1 8 4 4 - 1 9 0 0 . " Revue d'Histoire de l'Amérique Française. 28, 1 Guin, 1974), 77-93. 89 Hugh L. Smith, Hazel Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris Lessard, Claude. "Les archives de l'Université du Québec à Trois Rivières." Archives; Revue de l'Association des Archivistes du Québec. 71, 1 (janvier/juin, 1971), 32-54. Packer, K.H. "Collecting Canadian library statistics." Canadian Library Journal. 34 (June, 1977), 203-211. Ridge, Alan D. " T h e McGill University Archives." Archives; Journal of the British Records Association. 8, 37 (April, 1967), 16-23. Smith, Wilfred I. " T h e Public Archives of Canada." Records Management Quarterly. 7, 1 (January, 1973), 23-25, 30. Stacey, C.P. " T h e Public Archives of Canada at the end of its first c e n t u r y . " Historical Papers 1972 / Communications Historiques 1972. 1972? 11-22. Taillemite, Etienne. " U n e visite aux archives canadiennes." La Gazette des Archieves, n.s., 77 (1972), 107-121. Taylor Hugh. "Archives in Britain and Canada: impression of an immigrant." The Canadian Archivist, 1, 7 (1969), 22-33. Weilbrenner, Bernard. " T h e Public Archives of Canada, 1 8 7 1 - 1 9 5 8 . " Journal of the Society of Archivists, 2, 3 (April, 1961), 101-113. Welwood, R.J. " B o o k budget allocations." Canadian Library Journal, 34 (June, 1977), 213-219. 5 The student and student services / L'Etudiant et les services aux étudiants A General / Généralités Davis, J.T., Jansen, C., and Oison, T.W. Factors influencing student enrolment, performance and experience at York University. T o r o n t o , Office of Research Administration, York University, 1977. 141 p. in 3 V. "Immigration bill unfair to international students." The Student Advocate, 1, 6 (March, 1977), 2. Woodcock, L. " T h o s e horrow stories appear to be true; basic skills in English." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 5 (May, 1977), 4. Zur-Muehlen, Max von. The foreign student issues in 1976-19 7 7. Ottawa, Canadian Bureau for International Education, 1977. 143 p. C Financial Aid / Aide financière "Scrap program, begin again says g r o u p . " Univ. A f f . I A f f . univ. 8, 5 (May, 1977), 5. Woodcock, L. "Grants down, tuition u p . " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July, 1977), 10. 6 The Professor and Conditions of Work / Le Professeur et les conditions de travail A General / Généralités Isaacs, C.F.W. Avoiding stagnation in small university departments. A report prepared for The Ontario Council on Graduate Studies. T o r o n t o , Council of Ontario Universities, 1976. 52 p. Scarfe, Janet, and Sheffield, E. " N o t e s on the Canadian professoriate." Higher Education / Amsterdam/. 6, 3 (August, 1977), 337-58. Vickers, J.M. and Adam, J. But can you type? Canadian universities and the status of women. T o r o n t o . Clark Irwin, 1977. 142 p. D Academic Freedom / Libertés universitaire Cinman, I. "Inflation - erodes pensions major worry for retired university professors." CAUT / ACPUBul. 25, 3 (April, 1977), 7. Cinman, E. "Peer evaluation salary study results in adjustments for w o m e n . " CA UT / ACPU Bui. 25, 3 (April, 1977), 5. Sida, D. " F a c u l t y economic benefits: some observations". CAUT / ACPU Bui. 25, 3 (April, 1977), 11-12. 90 Hugh L. Smith, Hazel Roberts, Pierre Casno and Robin S. Harris " S u m m a r y data on university teacher salary scale minimums, by province and by institution, 1976-77." CAUT / ACPU Bui. 25, 3 (April, 1977), 9. F Collective Bargaining / Négociations collectives Bowen, D. " O n being locked out of C.A.U.T." CAUT / ACPU Bui. 25, 3 (April, 1977), 10. Côté, F. " L a grève du SPUL: des gains chèrement acquis." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July, 1977), 7, 16. " F a c u l t y collective bargaining at Canadian post-secondary institutions / Négociations collectives des professeurs des institutions post secondaires au Canada." Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 5 (May, 1977), 15. Sullivan, N. "lavai strike - students are the 'big losers,'." Univ. A f f . ¡ A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July, 1977), 6, 17. Woodcock, L. " C A U T sets up strike f u n d . " Univ. A f f . / A f f . univ. 8, 6 (July, 1977), 5. Ill - AGENCIES AND GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS / ORGANISMES ET DEPARTEMENTS 1 Medical Research Council / Conseil des recherches GOUVERNEMENTAUX médicales " M R C budget / Budget des dépenses du C R M . " Medical Research Council Newsletter Conseil de recherches médicales. 7, 3 (April / avril, 1977), 7. / Actualités
- Robin S. Harris
- Hugh L. Smith
- Pierre Casno
- Hazel J. Roberts