Editorial The third issue in 1975 of the Canadian Journal of Higher Education appears late, because of the extended postal strike which took place in Canada in the latter months of 1975. This issue is, in general, concerned with the topic of accessibility to higher education in Canada. Its contents also relate more especially to the discussions of the 1975 annual Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education. This Conference centered around reports on the future of Canadian post-secondary education published on the initiative of four provincial Governments in Canada in the course of the past four years. It is probably a fair summary of these reports to say that the main theme of each concerned the accessibility of Canadians to post-secondary education. Our readers will see that this issue of the Journal contains two general accounts of this Conference, written from two somewhat different perspectives, and also the text of a paper delivered during the Conference. It is not usual for the Journal to summarize proceedings of conferences. However, on this occasion we considered that the importance of the topic warranted this form of treatment. I believe that our readers will agree. Acknowledgement The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education gratefully and sincerely acknowledges the support of the Canada Council, which has provided a grant to assist the publication of the Canadian Journal of Higher Education. La Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'enseignement supérieur désire exprimer sa reconnaissance pour la subvention que le Conseil des Arts du Canada a bien voulu en aide de la publication de la Revue canadienne d'enseignement supérieur. PRINTED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS
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