Select Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada Bibliographie choisie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada Robin S. Harris, Marcel de Grandpré, Richard Greene * This bibliography follows the one published in Stoa, Vol. II, no. 2, 1972, pp. 39-44. All references are shown as in : Robin S. Harris, Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada, Supplement 1971, University of Toronto Press, Les Presses de l'Université Laval. Cette bibliographie continue celle qui a paru dans Stoa, vol. II, n° 2, 1972, p. 39-44. Les références sont données comme dans : Robin S. Harris, Bibliographie de l'enseignement supérieur au Canada, Supplément 1971, University of Toronto Press, Les Presses de l'Université Laval. * Robin S. Harris, Chairman of the Higher Education Group, University of Toronto. Marcel de Grandpré, directeur de la Section d'Éducation comparée et des Fondements de l'éducation, Faculté des sciences de l'éducation, Université de Montréal. Richard Greene, Conférence des Recteurs, Montréal. I. — DEGREE-GRANTING UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES UNIVERSITÉS ET COLLÈGES QUI CONFÈRENT DES GRADES 1. Histoire et organisation A. General Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada "Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada annual report 1971." University Affairs 12, 8 (Oct. 1971) folder, 20 p. 48 STO A Charland, T. "La démission du Dr Meilleur comme surintendant (1855)," Rev. Hist. 24, 4 '(Mars 1971) 513-525. de l'éducation Cleverley, Fred. "Pioneers bring the university to the northland." Canadian and College 6, 4 i(July-August 1971) pp. 30-31. Gill, Audrey. "Future-oriental i(Dec. 1971) p. 6. concepts for Athabasca." University University Affairs Gill, Audrey. "More on the universities and the environment." University (July, 1971) pp. 24-29. 12, Affairs 10 12, 6 Giroux-Masse, T. "La Constitution canadienne et l'éducation dans une société moderne." Thêmis V, 3 (1970) 367-398. Judge, David. "Canada's north has its own vision of a university." Canadian and College 6, 4 (July-August 1971) pp. 30-32. University D. The Universities of Ontario "Brock reviews its progress Three ways in data professing." Canadian University College 6, 6 (September-October 1971), pp. 17-18. Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario, D. Wright, Chairman. Report, Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 112. Sidnell, M.J. "Towards Bureaupolitocracy," Jour. Can. Thought 3-18. and Draft VII, 2 (May 1972) Wright, D. "Recent Developments in Higher Education in Ontario" in W.R. Niblett and F.R. Butts, eds., World Yearbook of Education (London : Evans Bros. 1972) 297-309. G. The Universities of Alberta Baker, H.S. et al. The Future and Education, Alberta Human Resources Research Council, 1971. 1970-2005. Edmonton : Alberta Commission on Educational Planning. A Future of Choices, A Choice of. Edmonton : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 329. 2. Orientation et problèmes actuels A. General "À l'occasion de la rentrée scolaire. Culture, contre-culture et éducation, Table ronde Relations," Relations 363 (Septembre 1971), 230-234. Applied Research Associates. Certification and Post-Secondary Education. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 110. (Study prepared for the Commission on PostSecondary Education in Ontario). Applied Research Associates. Professional Education : a Policy Option. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1971. Pp. 159. (Study prepared for Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario). Bisseil, C.T. "Canada" in J.A. Perkins, ed., Higher Education : From Autonomy to Systems ( N e w York: International Council for Educational Development, 1972), 175-84. 49 S TOA Carrier, H. "L'université : milieu d'acculturation ou centre de contestation ?" Relations 362 (Juillet-Août 1971), 216-217. Croteau, J. "L'université chrétienne," Act. Nat. LIX, 10 (Juin 1970), 966-987. Genest, J. "Où en sommes-nous ? La révolution scolaire," Act. Nat. 1970), 929-940. LIX, 10 '(Juin Geoffroy, M. "La contestation," Act. Nat. LVIII, 6 (Février 1969), 507-516. Ostry, S., ed. Canadian Higher Education in the Seventies. Ottawa : Information Canada, 1972, Pp. 307. Poole, J.M. "The Crisis in the University," McGill Jour. Ed. V, 2 (Fall 1970), 205-14. Environs Research Group. Post-Secondary Educational Opportunity Indian Population. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 187. Hansen, B.L. .and F. Ireland. "Coming Changes in Higher Quarterly, X X X V I , 2 (Summer, 1971), 31-37. for the Education," Ontario Business Hendley, B. "What Ails the University." McGill Jour. Ed. V, 2 (Fall, 1970), 192-204: Holland, J., et al. Manpower Printer, 1972. Pp. 267. Forecasting and Educational Policy. Toronto : Queen's Spady, W.G. "Dropouts From Higher Education : An Interdisciplinary Review and Synthesis," Interchange I, 1 (1970), 64-85. Stevenson, H.A., "Public and Professional Disenchantment : The Spectre of a N e w Crisis in Canadian Education," Lakehead Univ. Rev. IV, 2 (Fall, 1971), 83-99. Woods, Gordon & Co. Organization of the Academic Year. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1971. Pp. 313. (Study prepared for Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario.) Zsymond, Z.E. and C.J. Wenaas, Enrolment in Educational Institutions by Province, 1951-52 to 1980-81. Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1970. Pp. 306. (Economic Council of Canada Staff Study No. 25). B. Administration universitaire Ross, M.G. "It Helps if you Can Walk on Water," Weekend Magazine, Dec. 20, 1970, 6-9. I \ Smyth, D.M. "Structures for University Government to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, 1972. C. University Finance Brown, W.T. Education Finance in Canada. Ottawa : Canadian Teachers Federation, 1969. Pp. 93. Glen, J.D. "The Challenge of Rising Educational Costs," McGill (Fall, 1971), 195-203. Jour. Ed., VI, Macpherson, C.B. "The University as Critical Capital : a Convocation Queens' Q., LXXVII, 3 (Autumn, 1970), 389-94. 2 Address," Stager, David A.A. "Some policy problems in the financing of colleges across Canada." - Canadian University and College. 6, 4 (July-August 1971). Pp. 34-36 et 54-55. 50 S T O A (50 Systems Research Group. Cost and Benefit of Post-Secondary Education School Year 1968-69. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 157. in Ontario, Systems Research Group Inc. Financing Post-Secondary Education. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1971. Pp. 158. (Study prepared for the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario). G. La planification universitaire Berland, Alwyn. "The universities of the 70s : first, a reassessment of priorities says Stanley House Conference." University Affairs, 12, 8 (Oct. 1971). p. 5. Desharats, Guy. "Towards a university model : a structure for permanent evolution." University Affairs, 12, 8 (Oct. 1971), pp. 2-4. Holland, J. et al. Manpower Forecasting and Educational Policy. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 482. (Study prepared for Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario). Lefebure, J.B. "Building for change : the case for systems buildings on campus." Canadian University and College, 6, 4 (July-August 1971). Pp. 17-18. Pierre Gloria. "Systemia and academia : a tale of two universities." University 12, 8 (Oct. 1971), p. 1. Affairs, 3. Curriculum and Teaching A. Faculté des Arts et des Sciences Stockholder, F.E. "The relevance of UBC's Arts I program to designing new curricula." University Affairs, 12, 10 (Dec. 1971), p. 5. C. Humanities Lebel, Maurice. "L'Enseignement universitaire de la littérature canadienne-française au Canada et à l'étranger," Culture X X X I (1970), 238-44. Lower, A.R.M. "That Humble Fellow the Historian," four. (Feb. 1972), 45-50. Canadian Studies, VII, 1 Onimus, J. "Les nouvelles méthodes critiques et l'enseignement de la littérature," Études Littéraires III, 2 (Août 1970), 203-208. Pizzorusso, A. "Critique littéraire et enseignement : réflexions d'un professeur," Étdues Littéraires III, 2 (Août 1970), 191-202. Saint-Jacques, D. "Les études de lettres : une supercherie ?" Études Littéraires (Août 1970), 221-243. III, 2 Somville, L. "Critique littéraire et enseignement," Études 1970), 173-190. Littéraires III, 2 (Août Bruce, J.P, and Lee, T.R. "The CCIW and the university." University (Nov. 1971), pp. 17-18. Affairs, 12, 9 E. Mathématiques et sciences Coupai, B. "Le génie chimique à l'Université de Sherbrooke," Ing. LVI, 250 (Janvier 1970), 15, STO A 51 "Création d'un institut de génie nucléaire à l'École Polytechnique," Ing. (Avril 1970), 18. LVI, 257 Doerne, G.B. "Scientists and the Making of Science Policies in Canada." Unpublished doct. dissertation, Queen's University, 1969. Doerne, G.B. "Science Policy Making : the Transformation of Power in the Canadian Scientific Community," Jour. Canadian Studies, V, 4 (Nov. 1970), 23-25. Juteau, L. "Centre d'ingénierie nordique à l'École Polytechnique," Ing. LVI, 254 (Mai 1970), 8-9. Perrault, G. "Institut de Recherche en Exploration Minière, Projet Polytechnique-McGill pour une technologie de pointe en exploration minérale," Ing. LVI, 253 (Avril 1970), 18. Sliviteky, Michel. "Le Centre québécois des sciences de l'eau." Affaires 12, 9 (Nov. 1971), p. 19. universitaires, F. Professional Education Andrew Roman & Associates. Legal Education in Ontario, 1970. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972, pp. 159. (Study prepared for the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario). Applied Research Associates. Professional Queen's Printer, 1972, pp. 160. Education : A Policy Opinion. Toronto : Baum, G. "Où va la théologie ?" Maintenant 93 (Février 1970), 40-43. Caldwell, S.F. "Humanistic Physical Education : Tomorrow's Challenge," Can. Phys. Ed. Recreation Jour. X X X V I I , 6 (July-August 1971), 7-8. Channon, G. "Trends in Teacher Preparation Curricula in Canada," McGill VI, 2 (Fall, 1971), 144-59- Health, Jour. Ed., Cosentino, F. and M.L. Howell. A History of Physical Education in Canada. Toronto : General Publishing Co., 1971. Pp. 154. Guy, M. "Facultés de droit et chambres professionelles," Rev. Notariat (Août-Septembre 1970), 3-7. LXXIII, 1-2 Hamilton, H.A. "Teacher Education the Day After Tomorrow," Lakehead Univ. 2 (Fall, 1971), 100-08. Rev., Malanchuk, B. "I Came Back," Bus. Q., X X X V , 4 (Winter, 1970), 19-24. Saleemi, H.A. "Continuing Education for Veterinarians : an Attitudinal Study of the Professionnal." Unpublished M.Sc. thesis University of Guelph, 1972. Schneidman, N . "Academic Training and Athletic Performance," Can. H.P.E.R. X X X V I I , 6 (July-Aug. 1971), 30-33. Jour., Skolnik, M.L. and W.F. McMullen. An Analysis of Projections of the Demand for Engineers in Canada and Ontario and an Inquiry into Substitutions between Engineers and Technologists, Toronto : Committee of Presidents of Universities of Ontario, 1970. Pp. 64. Schlegel, R.P. and J.C. Nash. "Professional Preparation of the Health Can. H.P.E.R. Jour., X X X V I I , 6 ¡(July-Aug. 1971), 12-15. Specialist," \ S T O A (52 50 Stamp, R.M. "History of Education Courses in Preparation of Canadian Teachers," McGill Jour. Ed., VI, 2 (Fall, 1971), 160-69. Wheelan, T.L. "The Market's View of the M.B.A.," Bus. Q., X X X V , 4 (Winter, 1970), 38-42. G. Études post-universitaires Hogg B.C. "The Scale of the Ph.D. Employment Problem and a Partial Solution," Science Forum, IV, 4 (August 1971), 7-8. H. Adult Education Daoust, Gaétan. "L'éducation permanente et l'Université de Montréal : orientation particulière." University Affairs, 12, 9 (Nov. 1971), pp. 5-6. Gill, Audrey. "L'éducation permanente/Continuing éducation. What is it ? W h o is doing what ? Where is it going ? a roundup." University Affairs, 12, 9 (Nov. 1971), 1-3. Gill, Audrey. "New Brunswick : one university's experience in extending education." University Affairs, 12, 9 (Nov. 1971), p. 8. Harvey, E.B. Education and Employment of Arts and Science Graduates : the Last Decade in Ontario. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1971. Pp. 314. (Study prepared for Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario). Institut Canadien d'Education des Adultes, Éléments d'une Politique en Éducation des Adultes. Montréal : L'Institut, 1970. Pp. 47. (Première partie) et 21 (deuxième). McLeish, J.A.B. "New Directions in Professional Education," Orbit, 1971), 22-24. II. 4 (October O'Connor, R. Eric. "Adults, education, and the university : more to be said." Affairs, 12, 9 '(Nov. 1971), p. 20. Shaw, J.A. "What are the tasks of university extension." University (Nov. 1971), pp. 6-7. University Affairs, 12, 9 Tansey, Charlotte. "In any of this something that a university could spearhead ?" University Affairs, 12, 9 (Nov. 1971), p. 4. University of Toronto, Presidential Advisory Committee on Extension, S.J. Coleman, Chairman, Report of... Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, 1970. Pp. 62. K. Aides didactiques Brown, M.P. "Ontario University Computers To Be Linked in Network," Datasystems, IV, 3 (March 1972), 48-50. Canadian McLean, N . The Utilization of Electric Technology in Post-Secondary Education Britain and West Germany, Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972, pp. 193. Shaw, James A. "Putting more control in the hands of the AV users." University and College. 6, 4 (July-August 1971). P. 38. Trotter, B. Television and Technology in University Teaching. of Presidents of Universities of Ontario, 1970, pp. 84. in Canadian Toronto : Committee STO A 53 4. Recherche et études A. General Smith, A.H. The Production of Scientific Knowledge in Ontario Universities. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 174. (Study prepared for the Commission on PostSecondary Education in Ontario). C. Sciences Smith, A.H. The Production of Scientific Knowledge in Ontario's Universities : an Overview of Problems, Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972, pp. 173. E. In education Goldschmid, B. and M.L. Goldschmid. Modular Instruction in Higher Education : A Review. Montreal : Centre for Learning and Development, McGill University, 1972. Pp. 48. RadclifFe, D. "Comparative Education and 'Developed' Countries," Lakehead Rev., IV, 2 (Fall, 1971), 109-18. Univ. F. Bibliothèques Kates, Peat, Marwick & Co. Libraries and Information Storage and Retrieval Systems. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1971, pp. 134. ¡(Study prepared for the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario). H. Learned and Professional Societies Wright, M.J. "The Psychological Organizations of Canada," Can. Psychologist, 3 (July 1971), 420-31. XII, I. Revues professionnelles Johnson, F.H. "The First Canadian Journal of Education an Historical Review," McGill Jour. Ed., VI, 2 (Fall, 1971), 170-76. 5. Student and Student Services A. Généralités Desgroseillers, Pierre. "Le CEGEP milieu de vie et le rôle des services aux étudiants." Prospectives 7, 4 (Sept. 1971), pp. 211-214. Flacks, R.E. "The Liberated Generation : an Exploration of the Roots of Student Protest," Jour. Social Issues XXIII (1967), 52-75. Spady, W.G. "Dropouts from Higher Education : an Interdisciplinary Review and Synthesis," Interchange I, 1 (April 1970), 64-85. B. Political and Social Involvement Quarter, J. The Student Movement of the 60's : a Social-Psychological Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1972, pp. 138. Analysis. Toronto : E. Orientation Clarke, S.C.T. "Guidance in the Year 2000," School (Nov.-Dec. 1971), 47-50. Guidance Worker, XXVII, 2 STO A 54 Davies, N. "Vocational Guidance — An Educational Topsy," School Guidance XXVII, 2 (Nov.-Dec. 1971), 12-20. Worker, Gaymer, R. "Career Counselling — Teaching the Art of Career Planning," Guidance Worker, XXVII, 2 (Nov.-Dec. 1971), 51-56. School Hickling-Johns ton, Ltd. Guidance. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 229. (Study prepared for Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario). Marsh, L. "The N e w Look in Post-Secondary Educational Resources : Some Guidelines for Counsellors," School Guidance Worker, XXVII, 2 (November-December 1971), 41-46. Shields, B.A. "Androgyny is Here : On Counselling Girls Now," School Worker, XXVII, 2 (November-December 1971), 28-33. Guidance F. Placement Kushner, J. and I. Masse. "Special Report : Summary of Studies on Job Opportunities," Science Forum, IV, 5 (October 1971), 24-25. 6. Le professeur et les conditions de travail A. General Kaplan, J. Gordin. "Professor — power and some of its consequences ; annual report of the president, 1970-1971. CAUT Bulletin. 19, 4 (Summer 1971), pp. 25-35. Ravary, Viateur. "La mobilité des cadres supérieurs en éducation." Prospectives (Sept. 1971), pp. 197-199. Wilson, H.T. "Continentalism and Higher Education," Can. Review (Fall, 1970), 89-97. 7, 4 Amer. Studies, I, C. Libertés universitaires Berland Alwyn. "The role of the university president in dismissal procedures." Bulletin 19, 4 (Summer, 1971), pp. 13-16. CAUT Dunlop, J.B. "Guidelines on appointment and tenure : the CAUT's or the AUCC's." CAUT Bulletin 19, 4 (Summer, 1971), pp. 3-11. D. Salary and Benefits Adell, B. Collective Bargaining for University Faculty in Canada. Kingston : Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University, 1972. Deane, P. "Tenure : A Fortress Where Professors Ignore Students, the Winds of Change and Even the Need to Work," Globe Magazine, December 19, 1970. 2-4. See also Globe and Mail, December 23 1970. 7. II. —NON-DEGREE GRANTING INSTITUTIONS ÉTABLISSEMENTS QUI NE CONFÈRENT PAS DE GRADES 1. Généralités "George Brown's modular system : room to grow in a crowded city." Canadian versity and College. 6, 4 (July-August 1971), pp. 20-21 & 32. Uni- STO A 55 6. Québec Savard, Michel. "La situation des cadres scolaires au Québec." Prospectives (Sept. 1971), pp. 221-233. 7, 4 7. Ontario Canadian Library Association. "Brief to the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario." Canadian Library Journal 28, 4 (July-August 1971), p. 310. Systems Reserach Group Inc. The Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 151. (Study prepared for the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario). Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario. Post-Secondary Ontario : A Statement of Issues. Toronto : The Commission, 1970. Systems Research Group Inc. The Ontario Colleges Toronto : Queen's Printer, 1972. Pp. 149. of Applied Education Arts and in Technology.
- Robin S. Harris
- Richard Greene
- Marcel de Grandpré