The focus of this proposal is to examine relevant creek restoration research and existing restoration projects and to apply the resulting knowledge to the specific conditions at Blake Garden to develop a conceptual model for the restoration of this section of Cerrito Creek. This proposal builds on goals and data that were compiled as part of a prior student restoration proposal. A literature review, case studies, interviews and a site survey provide data about the restoration of similar creeks, future visions for Cerrito Creek and existing creek conditions. Based on the compiled data, a system of step pools is recommended to restore channel stability in this reach of the creek. Channel geometry is based on a restoration model with similar characteristics, Baxter Creek in Pointsett Park. Step pool geometry is determined using a ratio between step height, length and channel slope. Channel visibility and physical access are revealed as important aesthetic concerns. Recommendations are summarized in a conceptual design proposal that integrates the restoration objectives with the existing site conditions.
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